Chapter 6

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At dawn, Prapai calmly went to the barracks of the new recruits, he silently walked from one end to the other of the large room, he observed them sleeping peacefully, he took out a long metal stick and started smashing it furiously against the iron structure of one of the beds, watching all the poor guys rapidly wake up and smirking devilishly at the sight of some of them hitting the bed above with their heads.

"Get up! Don't tell me that you want to skip the flag-raising ceremony!" he shouted. Sky, who was still very sleepy just like all the other guys, murmured:

"I want a coffee..."

Pai looked at him silently, it wasn't the first time that he heard someone making a remark like that and he also knew that he would have usually responded with "and I want a diamond ring but we can't all get what we want" however, he felt pitiful for him, he feared what his words could cause to that young men who had already been through a lot.

Right after the flag ceremony, there was a scheduled light training session right before breakfast. Pai ordered the whole company to start running around the camp ten times, right after the third lap though, Rain couldn't take it anymore and stopped, leaning against a wall.

"What's the problem, soldier?"

"I can't take it anymore... I'm hungry... why do we have to do this before breakfast" Rain asked.

Pai smiled, he leant closer to him and sighed, then he patted his shoulder until Rain turned to him, almost feeling like he could trust him. He came even closer to his ear and whispered softly:

"First, you don't pose questions, second, if I make you run right after breakfast then you wouldn't run, you will just swim in a pool of vomit, third, run!"

Rain wanted to try more, but as he started running again he felt a sharp pain in the leg and fell to the ground. Pai got worried immediately, he raised the hand that was holding the stick and started ordering everyone to stop, fearing that they could accidentally end up stepping on the guy on the ground.

"Sky, take him to the dorm..." Pai said rubbing his eyes in frustration. After Sky pulled Rain out of the path, everyone was just staring at the official, waiting for him to say that it was already over and that they could go to eat, Pai, on the other hand, had other plans.

"What are you waiting for? Run!"

"Is he alright?" Payu, who managed to see the scene from his room, asked as he reached the dormitory. Sky gulped before saying anything, he looked at the lieutenant and was quite surprised to see that he looked concerned as well.

"Yes sir, he isn't used to this... that's all..." Sky replied.

"I see... it is always difficult at first, we have to do it though, we have to see who is more suitable for certain tasks. Rain, when you'll feel better, I want you to come to my office to talk about some details regarding your stay here" Payu said and left before Rain could say anything.

"Did you make him mad or something?" Sky asked confused.

"No... or at least I hope I didn't do it... what do you think?" Rain added.

"I just know that I don't like this place. If he treats you too harshly tell me, I'll kick his ass for you, clear?"

"Yeah yeah I know... there is no need for that though, he's... kind..." Rain replied hesitantly.

"If you say so..." 

Red Card Black Card (Love in the air/KinnPorsche crossover AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin