Chapter 11

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Venice barely slept that night, he felt like he messed up so bad, he tried his best to be a gentleman and then he ended up like this, kissing the guy he loved without even making sure that he was ok with that. He knew that he couldn't totally blame himself, he was feverish and it looked just like a dream, after all, why was he right next to him when he desired to see him so much? The main problem was the impression, what was Rain thinking? What idea did he have of Payu?

A briefcase with his phone, laptop and wallet was on the bed. Venice looked outside the window again and noticed that a car stopped right in front of the camp. He knew that it was probably Arm's car. Payu sighed and picked the briefcase, he was a little concerned though, since he didn't see Rain anyway. He walked down the corridor and met Pai, who was about to leave too.

"Oh, nice to see that you're ready, come on, they have already told me that Arm is at the gate of the camp and is waiting for us. Sergeant! Take my cousin's briefcase and mine too, then bring them to the car, we will arrive in a moment" Pai shouted the last part, the sergeant who had the miserable fate of being his assistant could only sigh and take the two briefcases and walk to the car as ordered. On their way to the car, Payu looked concerned, so Pai asked him:

"Is there anything wrong?"

"Well... maybe I didn't pay attention enough this morning but I'm pretty sure that Rain wasn't in the mess hall for breakfast. Did you see him?" Payu said.

"No, you're right, he wasn't there. Perhaps I should have said it sooner but I didn't think it was so important. Anyway, I met the doctor this morning and he told me that he wanted to send Rain back home for the weekend to rest with his family, so that he could get better sooner... To be honest I think that it is bullshit but I didn't feel like arguing so I just signed the permission." His cousin explained.

"I see... well, thank you for the information..." Payu replied. He silently continued with his cousin to the black car parked in front of the camp, Arm was standing right next to a open car door, waiting for Payu and Pai to get into the car.

"Good morning Khun Venice, Khun Prapai..." Arm said.

"P' Arm, Papa even let you hold me when I was just a baby, don't you think that you can avoid calling me Khun?" Payu said smiling a little, Pai chuckled and got into the car. Arm nodded and leant closer to Payu's ear, then he whispered:

"I know... but your father has explicitly said that I have to call you like this when we are at the camp..."

"Alright, you can keep calling me Khun if you do it just to avoid a harsher punishment, don't worry P' Arm" Venice added and got into the car. Pai patted Pol's shoulder and told him that they could go.

Venice didn't pronounce a word the whole time. Pai noticed that his cousin was busy in his own world of thoughts and scenarios and he decided to sleep a little bit, snoring loudly enough to annoy the two bodyguards on the front seats but not enough to bring his cousin back to reality.

Payu couldn't help but think about what he did. Sure, Rain could be sick for real and it was totally legitimate for him to ask to stay with his family, the first week is usually pretty traumatic for new recruits, however Payu couldn't stop thinking that maybe it was all just an act to avoid him and making him fell terrible. If that was the case, it was working perfectly. 

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