Chapter 3

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"Doctor may I..." Prapai started right after his cousin entered the office of the camp's doctor. The old man in the lab coat rushed to the door and pushed the young official out of the room while he made a rapid gesture with his hand to make Payu sit down on the small bed to visit him.

"There is no need to worry, lieutenant, I am perfectly aware of your cousin's health condition and I know how to treat him. Now let me do my job so that he can go back to his real quick, ok?" the doctor said with a kind tone.

"Alright, I'll wait outside then"

"I recommend you go and fulfill your duties, I'm sure that there is a lot of work to do now that the new recruits have arrived. Don't worry about him, I will ask a nurse to take him back to his quarters when the visit will be over. I'll inform you about his situation if you're so concerned, but later" the doctor added before closing the door without even giving Prapai the opportunity to talk more.

The young officials sighed, knowing that he had no other choice. He walked back to the barracks and picked the box of phones up from the ground and put it on a small table near the door of the large room. He counted them rapidly and noticed that there were more or less ten phones missing. Was someone trying to fool him?

"Should we do something now, sir?" the sergeant, who had just arrived and noticed the problem, asked.

"No, most of the recruits has already left this building, I don't want to run around the camp to play hide and seek with them. I'll talk about this during dinner, they will regret questioning our authorities over something so unnecessary. Take this box to my office and find a list of the recruits assigned to this barrack, I want to find the names of our clowns... you may leave now" Prapai replied.

The sergeant left the room with the quite heavy box in his hands while Prapai decided to stay in that room for a little more. He looked around, trying to understand those guys better since he was supposed to train them for two years.

After a while, he recognized a face among the crowd, every file he checked had a photo but he focused a little more than normal on Sky's file. He noticed that the young guy was sitting on his bed, chatting with a friend who was right next to him.

"It's alright, Sky, I mean... it isn't like college but I'm sure that we will soon get used to all this" Rain told Sky while patting his back.

"Are you trying to comfort me or it's more like you're trying to convince yourself?" Sky asked frowning.

"Well, perhaps I'm doing both" Rain replied with a bright smile on his face.

Prapai managed to overhear their conversation, he couldn't help but think at the time when he was there with Payu, sitting on a bed just like that and trying to help him ignoring all the things that kept hurting him.

After a while he went back to the doctor's office, as soon as he knocked, the old man ran out and told him that he had already sent Payu to rest in his own bedroom. The young man thanked him and left to reach his cousin. He knocked on the door and said:

"Payu? May I come in?"

"Yes" he replied coughing a little.

"So? How do you feel?"

"To be honest I feel like shit, but I don't regret what I did... that brat deserved that punishment" Payu responded. Pai didn't say anything he just laughed and sat down.

"How long should you stay in bed?"

"The doctor said that I should be able to go back to work in a few days, I guess that you will have to deal with the new recruits alone for a while, sorry..." Payu replied.

"Don't worry, it's alright. I was just thinking that I should find someone who could take care of you, I could ask my sergeant but I need him to check the new guys during the training. I'll manage to find a good boy for you, I swear.... Who's there now?" Pai shouted at the end since he heard someone knocking on the door again.

"Lieutenant Theerapanyakul, there is a call for you" a corporal said. Prapai walked to the door and grabbed the phone.


"Hello, nong, how are you two doing?"

"Hi uncle Pete, we are doing fine. Do you want to talk to your son?" Prapai asked and turned to his cousin, who repeatedly shook his head and pointed at his throat. Pai quickly realized that his uncle could get unnecessarily worried after hearing his son talking weirdly because of his sore throat, so he said:

"I'm sorry, but he's... busy at the moment"

"Nong, why did you make that pause? Are you trying to hide something?"


"Is that a question?" Pete asked a little more irritated.

"Fine, he's resting at the moment because he caught a cold. Nothing serious. Why did you call though?"

"You're parents are coming in the weekend and we wanted to organize a family dinner..." Pete explained with a soft voice.

"That's a pity, we have so much work to do, you know?"

"Oh yes, I know it very well, I know it so well that I called your colonel and asked when you were going to have some free time off duty and he said explicitly that you could come this weekend. Prapai Theerapanyakul, don't try these little tricks with your uncle again unless you want me to unleash Porsche"

"No, don't call him! Ok... we will come, I promise. See you soon then" 

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