Chapter 21

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A few vehicles stopped near one of the villages that got damaged by the flood. It wasn't possible for them to go any further because of the damaged road, so the first thing the recruits had to do was to remove all the debris from the street. Prapai asked as small group of soldiers to follow him inside the village so that they could see how bad the situation could be and act accordingly.

Prapai wasn't surprised to see a lot of civilians trying to help those who couldn't get out of their houses. He walked with Sky and Rain, noticing that only the ground floor of the buildings were affected and apparently there weren't many structural damages, only a lot of mud and fear.

Rain heard some noises from one of the houses, he walked to the entrance and saw an old couple walk out of their home. He was about to turn away but then he heard something, maybe someone was still inside. Before he could step inside, he saw a silhouette walking to him.

Prapai and Sky turned immediately as they heard Rain shout and cry, they rushed to him and saw him holding an unconscious Payu close to him, almost clinging to him. Rain shook him a few times but Payu didn't wake up. Pai was wondering what his cousin was possibly doing there, but since it looked like he wasn't feeling great, he ordered:

"Take him to my car and drive back to the camp. Ask the doctor to visit him. I'll stay here to continue the work, they won't notice that you are missing, don't worry"

Payu woke up right after the sergeant started the engine of the car. Rain sighed in relief as he saw his soulmate opening his eyes.

"Rain?" Payu asked confused since the first thing he saw was much more pleasing than a flooded village.

"Yes, I'm here P' Payu, we are taking you to the camp. What were you doing in that village? Huh?" Rain asked. At that moment, Sky turned to, wondering about the response.

"I... I heard the news and I thought that it was better to do... to do something rather than ... nothing... right? I guess that I only made it worse since you had to help me though..." Payu replied before falling back asleep.

A few minutes later they reached the camp, Rain and Sky really didn't know what to do beside waiting outside the infirmary, where the doctor was visiting the former lieutenant. For a few hours, the two young recruits weren't able to get any new information. The doctor was just too busy because of the emergency.

"I can't wait anymore" Rain suddenly said and opened the door of the infirmary, Sky tried to stop him but in vain. Rain rushed to the doctor and forced him to look at him.

"Doctor, I want to know how Payu is doing, spill!"

The old man looked at him and chuckled, then he nodded and said:

"Oh, you're that boy! Yeah, don't worry, he's fine. Some of the villagers were taken here and they said that he arrived right after it stopped raining. Calm down, he's just exhausted, give him some rest and he will get as good as new in a day or two. Now I really have to take care of the other patients though"

Rain thanked him and then he turned to Sky.

"I wish I could read his mind, imagine how happy he could feel after seeing you before fainting, that must have been like seeing an angel... well... not a cute one" Sky remarked.

"Hey! Do you want me to kick your ass?"  

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