Free Time!

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Rattle! Rattle!






You slowly open your eyes and turned around in your bed. Once you've turned over, you saw something you least expected to see.

Ibuki, who was just a few feet away, had a stern look on her face and she was just... staring right back at you.

"Gah!" you jumped back.

"Oooooh, did Ibuki scare you?!" she laughed.

"Wh-What're you doing?!" you screamed.

"Ibuki wanted to see Y/N! What's wrong with that?"

"How did you get IN? My door was locked!"

"Oooooooh! Ibuki broke your lock!" she exclaimed with stars in her eyes.


"You're not gonna kill me, right...?"

"Whaaaaaaaaat?" she yelled with a shocked look. "Ibuki would never! Ibuki just wants to hang out!"

"You could've just rung my doorbell like a normal person..." you muttered.

"We both know that Ibuki isn't normal!" she giggled out. "So, whaddya say? Wanna hang out with Ibuki?"

"Well... you went through the trouble of breaking my lock... And there's nothing going on right now. So, sure."

"Yeah! Ibuki's excited! I'll be waiting outside!"

She then put her arms behind her back and dashed out of your cottage.

What am I gonna do about my lock? Maybe Monokuma or the kubs can get me a new, but since not having one increases the chance of me being a victim... I doubt it.

You freshened up in your bathroom and headed outside. Just like she said, Ibuki was waiting there. She was humming a song while playing imaginary drums.

"So, what do you have in mind, Ibuki?" you asked, snapping her from her little music session.

"Hmm..." she rubs her temples. "Hmm... Hmm... Oh! If you cross your eyes like this, it gives you double vision!" she exclaimed, crossing her eyes. You couldn't help but laugh.

"You're adorable, Ibuki."

"Aw, Ibuki appreciates your words of kindness!" she exclaimed with a blush.

"Let's see..." you put a hand to your chin in thought. "You said you wanted to eat sometime, right? We could do that."

"Whaaaaaaa!? How did you know Ibuki was hungry?! Let's go eaaaat!" she shouted before putting her arms behind her back and making a mad dash towards the hotel. You let out a chuckle and followed her.

Surprisingly, no one was in the hotel. You went up the stairs and saw that different food had been prepared.

"Check it out, Y/N! Yakitori! Ibuki loves Yakitori!" she exclaimed.

"Huh, the foods difference from earlier... Byakuya did make sure it wasn't poisoned, right?"

"Yeah, yeah! He ate the food with speed of a guitarist doing an insane solo!" she yelled before plopping herself in one of the chairs, ready to eat. You sat next to her, but before either of you could eat, Monodam appeared on the table.


"..." neither you or Ibuki replied to him.

"PLEASE-HELP!" he pleaded before jumping off the table and running under it.

"Huh?" you asked out loud. Then suddenly, Monokid appeared.

"Rise and shine, ursine! Where's that sad fucking sack at?!" he exclaimed. He then looked at the food that sat in front of you and Ibuki. "Ooooh, Yakitori!? Fuck yeah!"

He then swipes both of your plates while drooling everywhere (how can he even do that?!) "So long, bear well!" he vanished.

"That motherfucker!" you yelled.

"Aw man! He totally ruined Ibuki's appetite!" Ibuki said with a saddened look.

Suddenly, Monodam appeared on the table again.

"MY-THANKS-IS-ETERNAL." he exclaimed with a smile. "PLEASE-ACCEPT-THIS-GIFT!" he then handed you and Ibuki a small bag.


"Wait!" you yelled out before he left. "Could you guys replace my broken lock?"



Wait, seriously?

He then vanished. "I'm surprised that he'll actually do it... I hope he doesn't like attach a bomb or something to it..." You then opened the bag. The bag contained multiple bronze circular objects with Monokuma's face on it.

"I'm guessing these are... coins for that machine?" you asked out loud.

"Huh? Machine?" Ibuki asked you.

"Yeah there's this tree on the beach that apparently gives you gifts for coins." you explained.

"Oooooh! Ibuki's gonna get Y/N a gift after this!" she exclaimed.

"Y-You don't have to!" you exclaimed, holding your arms up.

"Ehehehe! Tooooooo late! It'll be a welcome gift!"

"Huh? Welcome gift?"

"Yeah, because you should join Ibuki's music club!"

"Well... I've never been in a school club before..." you admitted.

"That's a major bingo! Let Ibuki's music club be your first!"

"W-Well I don't know how to play any instruments, either..." you admitted.

"Ibuki could always teach you! If you wanted to learn an instrument, which would you pick?" she asked, serious all of a sudden.

"Hmm... Well, I used to always do makeshift beats with my hands and stuff, so the drums, I guess?"

"Ehehehe! Good choice! You just gotta follow the beat, you don't even have to read sheet music!"

"That... sounds easier said than done." You laughed.

"Don't worry! You got Ibuki as your teacher! With my guitar and your drums, we'd be the perfect duo! Once we find a drum set, you'll be on the path to an awesome drummer!"

Heh, guess I'm apart of her club now...

After Ibuki told you the basics of drumming, you returned to your cottage.

Huh, hanging with Ibuki didn't take as much time as I thought. I think I have time to hang out with one more person...

Now, who do I hang out with?

I'm gonna let you guys vote for this one! It can be anyone, just not Ibuki again obviously.

As you may have noticed, I've been putting out chapters pretty consistently. And they've been pretty lengthy, at least in my opinion. So, I'm gonna take a break for a bit.

I appreciate the support so far, especially the one who has been leaving the comments (you know who you are!). It does mean a lot considering I wasn't very confident at the start of this.

Anyway, thanks again! See you guys soon!

*DISCONTINUED* Ultimate Cognizant (Danganronpa 2 x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now