Fourth Class Trial - 2

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Y/N: As much as I hate to admit it... Monokuma is strong, and he could've moved the body and pillar... but there's no way he could've moved the oil perfectly.

Hiyoko: That's true... and even if he could've moved it... it would've stained where he previously was, right?

Hajime: That's right... It's impossible to move that oil, no matter how you look at it.

Sonia: ...

Sonia: I-I am terribly sorry... I cannot believe I got so fired up!

Kazuichi: I-It's alright! A fired up miss Sonia is awesome to watch!

Akane: So what really happened then? Does that mean the two towers aren't the same building?

Y/N: No... we can't say that either. Remember that experiment with Chiaki's E-Handbook?

Chiaki: Yeah, with that experiment being a success, we can't say that they aren't the same building.

Mahiru: So... if they're not the same building or two different buildings... then what are they?

Chiaki: Hmm... Hmmmmmm...

Fuyuhiko: Tch... no clue... huh?

You see Hajime look towards Nagito.

Y/N: No, Hajime, don't--

Hajime: Hey, Nagito...

Nagito: I knew it would come to this. It's not surprising, seeing as how you all weren't getting anywhere. Fine, I guess I'll tell you guys a big hint that can help you solve the secret of the Funhouse!

Kazuichi: We want the answer, not a damn hint!

Nagito: But then it wouldn't mean anything. I need you guys to do this class trial properly. This will also help me... determine something...

Y/N: Determine what?

Nagito: That doesn't matter right now.

Hiyoko: How do we even know if your hint is any good? You've like, never been trustworthy!

Akane: Yeah... it's also suspicious that you're the only one who knows it.

Nagito: Well... I'm not the only one... the killer knows too, but I'm not too sure that they'll be willing to divulge that information.

Hajime: Just give us the hint...

Nagito: Oh, you've decided to take my word for it?

Mahiru: Quit screwing around and just tell us!

Nagito: Hmm.... In the depths of the Final Dead Room, there was a hidden room surrounded by concrete... and there... a small, conspicuouis window waited, all by itself. From that window... I saw some very strange scenery.

Chiaki: Strange scenery...?

Nagito: I think it would be better if I showed you. At an opportune time, I found a perfect camera in the Final Dead Room...

Gundham: You took a picture?

Nagito: Yep.

With an almost sinister grin, Nagito reached into his inner pocket... and pulled out a picture.

In the picture, there was a tower with one building connected to it. It was also covered with trees.

Nagito: Let me explain it to you again... I took this picture on the 1st floor of Strawberry House... from the secret room within the Final Dead Room. But... don't you think it's weird? If the Funhouse's structure is what you guys been thinking... Then there's a lot of things that don't make sense in this picture, right? Then let's begin. Shall I call it... Thinking Time?

*DISCONTINUED* Ultimate Cognizant (Danganronpa 2 x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now