Free Time! (4)

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After spending a bit of time in your cottage, you decided to take a walk around the island.

You exited your cottage and locked your door. As you were about to leave, you notice Chiaki standing in the middle of the walkway.

What is she doing...? She can't be playing a game... she isn't holding anything, so...

You then walked closer to her.


You looked over her shoulder and got a look at her face. Her head was tilted down, her eyes were shut, and she was drooling.

Heh, how adorable... you chuckled to yourself. Also very impressive that she's able to sleep while standing like that.

"Chiaki..." you softly spoke out, shaking her shoulder. "You're sleeping out in the open, and I don't want someone to murder you..."

"Hmm...?" she groggily replies before letting out a huge, adorable yawn. "Huh...? Oh... I must've feel asleep..."

"Heh, you were totally knocked out! Did you not get any sleep last night?" you asked her.

"No... I got too invested into this one game and stayed up all night."

"Well, that makes sense coming from the Ultimate Gamer." you laughed out. "But I'm not sure any of us would want you missing the party, not to mention Byakuya will lose his shit. Why don't you go get some sleep in a real bed until the party?"

"Hmm..." she puts a finger to her lip in thought. "Actually..." she trails off, putting the hood of her cat hoodie up. "I've been meaning to hang out with you... Wanna hang until the party...?"

"Well... I'd love to, but... you sure you don't wanna sleep?"

"It's okay..." she said, putting a hand to her heart and giving you a heart-warming smile. "I've pulled tons of all-nighters thanks to games, so I'm kinda used to this."

Well that's wrong considering she feel asleep while standing out here... but I can't deny that smile!

"Well, alright. Let's walk somewhere, that'll get your feet moving and wake you up a bit."

"Can we go to the supermarket?!" she asked, getting a little too close. "I heard they've got some interesting stuff there..."

Ah, so the supermarket again, huh?

"Well, I was just there earlier, but if really wanna go, then we can go."

"Yeah, let's go..."

Chiaki tried to walk towards the exit of the cottages, but she wobbles a bit, almost falling over. Luckily, you caught her by the shoulders to stabilize her.

"Okay, you sure you don't want to go to sleep?" you asked her with a stern tone.

"Yeah... I'm fine... I think... But I wouldn't mind if you helped me until I get energized..."

"Heh, c'mon then you sleepy head."

While helping a wobbly Chiaki, you both soon made it to the supermarket. Yet again...

"Hey hey... I think I'm good now..." Chiaki told you.

"Alright, but don't hesitate to ask if you're not feeling it, okay?"

She lets out a hum in response as she browses the various snacks on the shelves.

"Oh! What is this...?" Chiaki asked as she picked up a packet of sweet rice crackers.

"Oh, those are sweet rice crackers I believe."

"Sweet rice crackers...? I see..."

"Yeah, I think you eat them on Girls Day... it's tradition."

"Girls day...?" she asked, confused.

"Ya know, Girls Day? Or maybe Hinamatsuri?" She cutely tilts her head at you in confusion. "Umm... the Doll Festival?" Nothing.

"Oh, well... Hinamatsuri it's an annual festival that is held to pray for the healthy growth, prosperity, and the happiness of girls. It's on March 3rd."

"Oh... I see..."

"You really never heard of it? I'm surprised... Since you're a girl and all... Your family never brought it up or anything?"

She doesn't give you a response to that.

"O-Oh... family is a sensitive topic? S-Sorry..." you apologize while scratching the back of your neck.

"Hey hey... It's fine... I did have a family. My father.

Your father...? I guess she's an only child then. I wonder about her mother...

Obviously that's a question for another time.

"You're pretty smart, Y/N..." she complimented.

"Heh, it's nothing!" you said with a blush. "I bet that Sonia would've gone into extreme detail about Hinamatsuri. I think she's really into Japanese traditions and such.".

"Hey hey... I enjoyed this. Let's go somewhere else another time, okay...?" she said with a small smile.


You then looked at the clock.

"Guess the party's starting in a few hours... you ready for it, Chiaki?"



You looked back at her and found her asleep while standing again. You tried to shake her awake, but she seemed knocked out.

Guess exhaustion finally caught up with her... Her room is locked, so hopefully she won't mind staying in my room.

You carried Chiaki to your cottage and sat her down in your bed. You then killed some time until the Nighttime Announcement.

*DISCONTINUED* Ultimate Cognizant (Danganronpa 2 x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now