First Class Trial (2)

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Hajime: Peko is telling the truth. Nekomaru's account is her alibi!

You: He mentioned that someone was in the bathroom, even before the party started!

Nekomaru: That's right! I thought that the door was locked because it was out of order... but it was opened after the murder!

Hajime: And if Peko wasn't in the office before the party... then she had to be the one in the bathroom!

Mahiru: That does make logical sense.

Kazuichi: So Peko locked herself in the commode? Why didn't you say so earlier, Peko?!

Mahiru: She wouldn't say that! Gosh, you are so insensitive!

Nekomaru: There's only one reason she stayed in there that long... SHIT! Gah-hahaha! I can't blame her! There's no way she would admit that she was in there shitting!

Mahiru: Seriously?! Were you raised in a locker room? Show some respect!

Nekomaru: Gh...! I'm sorry...

Peko: I-It's fine... Could we... just talk about something else?

Nekomaru: If you worried about the smell, it wasn't that strong! I used it after so I would know.

Peko: I-It's fine!

Hiyoko: You were in the bathroom for awhile, though... Did you get food poisoning or something?

Peko: Well... As soon as I stepped into the office, I felt this sudden rush of pain in my stomach.

You: And because of that... you were held up in the bathroom until after the body discovery announcement? Interesting... maybe it's just a coincidence then?

Fuyuhiko: You're really gonna narrow it down to just a coincidence?

Mahiru: Hey! Why are you even butting in? You don't have any right especially since you didn't even investigate!

Fuyuhiko: Tch. I'm only butting because you idiots are out of your fucking element.

Gundham: Stop this foolishness! What do you mean by "coincidence"?

Fuyuhiko: What I mean is... is it possible that someone slipped her some laxatives? And then they could've tripped the breaker as soon she left, right?

Akane: I see! That might've happened!

You: But Akane... you eat the food too, didn't you? Did you feel weird after?

Akane: No... I just felt hungry!

Hajime: So it's impossible that laxatives were slipped into the food then.

Teruteru: How dare you accuse me of doing such a thing! Laxatives would ruin the taste!

Peko: I apologize for making such a scene.

Mahiru: No, don't apologize! Fuyuhiko should be the one to apologize.

Fuyuhiko: What the fuck did you say, bitch?!

Sonia: Cease this bickering!

Mikan: W-We should dismiss Peko stomach ache as a c-coincidence and go back to d-discussing the blackout...

Hiyoko: Yeah, yeah... We already know that, you trashy skank!

Mikan: T-Trashy skank...?

You: Dammit, Hiyoko!

Hiyoko: Tch... Ugh...

You: I don't wanna hear it!

Nonstop Debate: START!

*DISCONTINUED* Ultimate Cognizant (Danganronpa 2 x Male Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon