Free Time! (7) (Beach Edition!)

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As I said previously, I would rewrite Monokuma's talk, so here it is! Enjoy!

Yeah, the beginning is still kind of the same lol

Also, I know I said I was gonna do THH next. I change my mind! Killing Harmony is next!

"So uh, what all are we supposed to do?" you asked you arrived at the beach with Chiaki and Sonia. "I uh, never been to the beach before."

"Oh, I still have my board game!" Chiaki spoke up with a smile.

"I was hoping for more of a... thing you can do at the beach." you chuckled.

"Oh, I see..." she frowned.

"Well, maybe we could play it once everyone's tired and just wants to relax?"

"Oh, that's... not a bad idea." she said with a smile once more.

"Hmm, I did not think this through..." Sonia admitted with a embarrassed smile. "Perhaps, there's some stuff in the beach house?"

"Hmm, not a bad idea, Sonia." you said as you looked towards the beach house. "I can go check it out while you guys wait for the others?"

I didn't really get a choice to explore it before...

"Good idea." Chiaki said. "It'd be bad if the others showed and we weren't here."

God knows the misunderstandings that could happen... A guy and two attractive girls missing? One of them in a reveling swimsuit? Yeah, that'd look bad.

"I shouldn't take too long, but hopefully I can find something." you said as you began walking towards the beach house. Once you got there, you walked inside.

Yeah, not much in here... there's a chair and table. I guess I could bring that out to relax in.

I do see a fridge... Chiaki didn't mention bringing any drinks, right? We could swing by here after and grab some drinks for everyone.

You looked to the right and looked at one of the doors. It had a sign on it that said, "No Water!". You walked over and opened it, revealing a room with a shower head.

A shower room... figures.

You backed out and closed the door. You walked over the other door in the room that was not the exit and opened it. It looked like it was a closet.

Hey! Now we're talking!

Inside the closet various things like beach balls, volleyball nets, surfboards, umbrellas, lawn chairs, etc.

I oughta bring Kazuichi and Hajime here and grab some of this stuff. I never surfed before, and don't a thing about surfing...

But we gotta live a little, right? I'm sure it'd be fun to try out...

At least if I fail miserably, everyone will get a good laugh.

You grabbed the surfboard case and was about to walk out, but...


You hear a sound come from behind you. You drop the surfboard case and quickly turned around. You saw Monokuma standing there.


"Don't just, "Monokuma" me!" he exclaimed as he flashed his claw. "I think you know why I'm here!"

"...I do?"

"Don't play dumb with me, mister! I oughta hit ya for your actions! Do you know how much bacteria is on a bears claw?"

*DISCONTINUED* Ultimate Cognizant (Danganronpa 2 x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now