Free Time! (2)

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Remember how I said I would take a break? Yeah, that was a lie! Isn't Kokichi a good influence?

Anyway, I do apologize, but this FTE might seem a little weak, so I do understand if you end up not liking it.

I wasn't expecting it to be pretty difficult to do something normal for Nagito since he isn't in his obsessed/weird state yet, but man it was.

Anyway, while this one will be weak, his future ones (if he gets any) should be better since I'll have more to write with!


Hmm... Now who to hang out with?

You pulled out your E-Handbook and opened the map. It looked like everyone was available, so there was a lot of options.

Hmm... I haven't really talked to Nagito much other than when we introduced ourselves. I'm actually quite curious about his talent, "The Ultimate Lucky Student". How does his luck work? If you're supposed to improve your talent at Hope's Peak, how was he suppose to improve his?

You give the map a rundown, looking for the little Nagito chibi. You spotted it at the RocketPunch Market.

I'm sure we'll have more free time... Alright, Nagito it is.

And so, you headed towards the RocketPunch Market. Once you arrived, you headed inside. Just like map said, Nagito was inside, browsing around.

"Hey, Nagito?" you called out to him.

"Hmm?" he turned around and noticed you. "Ah, Y/N! What does a shining hope such as yourself want with someone like me?"

Eh? What's that supposed to mean?

"Ah, just figured we could talk." you explained. "We haven't really talked outside of our introduction. I'm... quite curious about your talent."

"Really? There's nothing interesting about being an Ultimate Lucky Student! It's such a worthless talent, it can't possibly compare to the Ultimate Cognizant!"

"Huh? Who said anything about comparing them?" you asked.

Also, what's with the self depreciation?

"My apologies! It's just you shouldn't waste your time talking to someone like me."

"C'mon man..." you muttered out. "If I didn't want to talk to you, then I would've never shown up."

"Alright, if you really insist... then who am I to deny such a shining hope such as yourself?"

Shining... hope?

"Right... So, your title; The Ultimate Lucky Student... How'd you like, come across it?" you asked him, to which he lets out a chuckle.

"Oh, it's simple you see. I was merely picked out by the academy in a lottery." he explained.

"Well it is pretty interesting if you think about it, out of tons of people, you were the one to be chosen."

"I guess, but... I wasn't scouted to be a symbol of hope like all of you guys. I just got lucky is all. Anyone could've been in my position."

He... does have a point there.

"Well out of all those people, you still got picked. Guess your luck is more powerful than all those others huh?"

"Heh, guess I can't argue with that logic." he admitted.

"Although..." you began. "I'm curious on how you would improve it. Hope's Peak is all about improving your talent after all."

"Beats me. They'll probably have me doing luck-based stuff." he said.

"Luck-based stuff?"

"Ya know, like flipping a coin, playing card games, making bets, playing luck based games, etc..."

"Luck based games..." you hummed out. "With Chiaki being the Ultimate Gamer, I wonder whose talent will come out on top if you both played one."

"I'd say hers." he admitted. "After all, Ultimate Gamer doesn't compare to something as worthless as Ultimate Lucky Student." he laughed out.

There he goes again...

"Tell me. Just exactly how lucky are you?" you asked.

"Huh?" he asked, surprised. "Well, one time, I was kidnapped. Turns out they didn't need me after all. They stuffed me in a trash bag and threw me somewhere. And as I was escaping the bag, I noticed a lottery ticket. A winning lottery ticket, in fact." he explained.

"Huh, interesting... It seems like when you experience bad luck, good luck comes and outweighs it?" you theorized.

"Correct! The bigger the bad luck I experience at first... the good luck afterwards just wipes it clean away!" he exclaimed. "That has always been my experience with luck so far."

"So, we're trapped here with the only exit being murder... that's bad luck, right? So according to you, we're bound to experience something good eventually, right?" you asked him.

"That's how I've been looking at it! We're all bound to have something good happen, and hopefully that's us all living the island together. We just have to hold in that hope!" he exclaimed.

Hope... he tends to bring that up a lot... I should ask him more about next time I talk to him.

"Well, if your luck ends up getting us outta here alive, I'd say that pretty worthy, no?" you asked him.

"Heh, I guess I can't argue with that!" aw

Before either of you can utter another word...


The nearby monitor flashes to life... and just like before, it showcased the Monokubs. This time Monokuma was with them.

"A body has been discovered!" Monotaro gleefully shouts.


Huh?! A body has been discovered?!

Could it be...?

No! No, it can't be!

Someone... did it? They caved in...

"Aw, my adorable Monotaro got it wrong!" Monokuma said. "A body has not been discovered!"

You motherfucker...

"Huh?! I was wrong?!" Monotaro shouts.

"No, you just forgot again!" Monophanie said.

"Anyway! The fun time you've all been waiting for is about to begin!" Monokuma said. "Curious? Puhuhu... I don't want to ruin the surprise, so you all better hustle over to Jabberwock Park!"

The monitor shuts off. You and Nagito shared a quick glance.

"Well, it seems our conversation was cut short, huh?" he asked. "How unfortunate..."

"Yeah, but it's not like this'll be the last time we talk." you laughed.

"I suppose your right. Anyway we should probably head over and see what's going on."

Without saying anything else, Nagito walks out of the Market, leaving you alone.

Fun time... just what do you have planned, Monokuma?

You walked out of the Market, catching up to Nagito as you two made your way to Jabberwock Park.

*DISCONTINUED* Ultimate Cognizant (Danganronpa 2 x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now