Third Class Trial

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This trial is going to be broken down into three parts, parts 1 and 2 are the trial, while the 3rd is the aftermath. I tried my best to make this work without having it be too short.

There's going to be some inconsistencies, and there will be some parts that really won't make sense or parts that might seem pointless.

What is it Monokuma said before? Don't sweat the small stuff? Something like that, so do keep that in mind and enjoy!


Monokuma: *ahem* In case you've forgotten, let's begin with a basic explanation of the class trial, shall we? So, your votes will determine the results.

Kazuichi: We've already heard this before!

Monokuma: Don't care! It's tradition! Anyway, if you can figure out, "whodunnit" then only they will receive punishment, but if you pick the wrong one...

Y/N: Everyone else gets punished while the killer gets to leave the island, yes, we know.

Monokuma: Wow, Y/N! You seem pretty tense, you doing okay? Been sleeping well? Puhuhu~!

Y/N: You're a coward... You were worried that your little game came to a pause, so you forced some unfair, lazy motive onto us all. And since I stopped... the last attempt, you made sure I was one of the first to catch it, am I wrong?

Monotaro: How dare you call father a coward! If anyone is a coward, it's Monodam!

Monophanie: Yep, yep! The Despair Disease totally wasn't an unfair, lazy motive! Nope, nope, not at all!


Monokuma: Oh, just ignore him. He's just upset he couldn't save his precious little classmates this time... Here's a lesson from the lovely Monokuma, Y/N! You can't win them all, so don't even bother to try! Always give up!

Monomi: Wh-What a horrible lesson!

Nagito: If I may interject, I know someone as worthless as me has no right to interject, and seeing as how you all are more superior than me, but if you don't mind—

Mahiru: Jeez! Just get to your point already!

Nagito: Sorry, sorry! I just... I don't really have a grasp of how the case played out. You know, because I was kind of knocked out the entire time.

Kazuichi: Tch... even if you do grasp it, you're just gonna confuse the heck out of us, aren't ya?

Akane: But... Nagito's not alone. I don't really get it either.

Hiyoko: Me neither... I... I want to help avenge Ibuki anyway I can...

Y/N: I... guess it wouldn't hurt to hear all of the details again.

Chiaki: Well then, let's start with that. It wouldn't be fair if everyone can't participate.

Hajime: I guess I can start things off... Let's start with when we split into the Hospital Team and Motel Team because of the Despair Disease. The Hospital Team consisted of Nagito, Ibuki, Akane, Y/N, Hiyoko, and Peko, who were all infected, and Mikan, Mahiru, Fuyuhiko, and myself.

Sonia: Then there's me, Chiaki, Kazuichi, and Gundham, who were staying at the motel.

Y/N: Wow... Now that I think about it, that's really uneven...

*DISCONTINUED* Ultimate Cognizant (Danganronpa 2 x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now