First Class Trial (3)

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Hajime: You guys, you gotta listen... Nagito can't be the killer! Like Y/N said, Mikan's autopsy proves that the knife he hid isn't the murder weapon, right Mikan?

Mikan: Y-Yes... based on the entry wounds on Byakuya b-body... the actual weapon should be a-about 5 mm in diameter...

Fuyuhiko: That better be right! Otherwise, I'll sell your fucking ass to a whore house!

Mikan: Eek! N-No! N-Not a whore h-house...!

Mahiru: Hey! Why're you threatening her?!

You: If that knife isn't the murder weapon, then we can't assume Nagito is the killer... as unfortunate that is...

Mahiru: I get what you're saying... I really do... but Nagito's the only one who could be the killer!


Chiaki: Nagito... are you hiding something...?

Hajime: Hiding...?

Chiaki: Like... did something happen between you and Byakuya during the party that we don't know about?

Nagito: Hmm... I wonder?

Gundham: You fiend, what else do you intend to hide?

Hiyoko: Jeez! Once your backs against the corner, you get all silent, you piss me off!

Ibuki: What happened during the blackout...? Hmm... Hmm...

Nagito: No matter how you look at it. It was pitch black, the truth is out of our sight... Heh, I sounded pretty cool there, don't ya think?

You: Maybe we don't need to *see* the truth...

Nagito: Huh, what does that mean?

Hajime: Hey, Ibuki. Don't you have really good hearing?

Ibuki: What kinda Ultimate Musician would I be if I didn't have good hearing?!

Hajime: So you must've heard everyone when the blackout happened, right?

Ibuki: For realz?! I did?!

You: That doesn't look good for you, Haji...

Hajime: Y-You told me, remember?

Ibuki: Oh, yeah!

Mahiru: E-Everyone calm down! We gotta stay calm in a situation like this!

Hiyoko: Waaaah! Don't step on my feet!

Byakuya: Wh-What the hell?! What's going on here?! Th-This is...!

Nagito: Ow!

You: So, Nagito said "ow" huh? Wanna explain that? Sounds like Byakuya retaliated somehow.

Nagito: Such perceptive hearing! I guess Ibuki is the Ultimate Musician after all!

Hiyoko: It's a good thing your ears are awesome because your face, style, figure, and personality totally suck!

You: Eh, I disagree.

Ibuki: Your words cut me deep, Hiyoko! But Y/N's words bring Ibuki joy!

Kazuichi: Don't tell me you're crushing on Ibuki now Y/N~!

Teruteru: Y/N is quite the womanizer... I wonder how he does it...


Mahiru: Hey! Can we get back on topic, please?! Our lives are at stake here!

Nagito: Okay, I give up... Byakuya did indeed retaliate. Since there is so much hope overflowing from this, I'll just go ahead and confess. Byakuya ended up shoving me from under the table.

Teruteru: He... shoved you out...?

Nagito: Everything was going to plan. The blackout occurred and I hurried to duck under the table and grab the knife, but surprise! Byakuya was already there with his night-vision goggles, and he shoved me from out under the table. I couldn't grab the knife in time... I'm so incompetent...

Mahiru: So, you're saying you're not the killer?!

Nagito: From the beginning... hiding the knife... setting up the blackout... it was going perfectly. But thanks to Byakuya and his night-vision goggles, my plan failed.

Fuyuhiko: Y-You're plan failed...? Then you didn't kill Byakuya?! You almost killed all of us, you motherfucker!

Hiyoko: S-So we're back to square one?!

Nekomaru: H-How can that be?! We've spent all this time talking!

Nagito: Meaninglessness... what other word is brimming with so much despair? But you can't give up now! You need to have hope, do your best, and move forward! Rising to the challenge again and again is why you guys are the symbols of hope!

You: Nagito... just shut the fuck up...


(Sorry that this one was so short, I messed up the pacing a bit. Next one will be all in one chapter, not including the aftermath.)

*DISCONTINUED* Ultimate Cognizant (Danganronpa 2 x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now