Free Time! (8)

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"Y/N! Y/N~!" A energetic voice called out from behind you.

"Huh?" You turned around and saw Ibuki running up to you with a smile on her face. "Oh, Ibuki! What's up?"

She didn't answer you as she grabbed your arm. "Music Venue! Music Venue!"

"Huh? We've already checked it out, didn't we?"

She starts dragging you towards the bridge to the third island. "No, Ibuki needs you for something! It'll be awesome!"

"Well, I have nothing else better to do, so--"


And so Ibuki dragged you over to the Music Venue, which wasn't empty.

Hiyoko and Chiaki were on stage setting up something, while Mahiru was setting up camera onto a tripod.

"Uh, what's going on...?" you asked

"Huh? Why did you bring him here?" Hiyoko asked. "Don't you see how wrong it looks bringing guy into a room with four girls with a camera!?"

"H-Huh!?" you blushed in embarrassment.

"Wh-What're you saying!?" Mahiru exclaimed.

"...What's wrong?" Chiaki asked as she grabbed the straps of her backpack. "Why the red faces?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Ibuki asked. "We're gonna take pictures of us playing instruments, aren't we?"

"Jeez... you guys are dumb." Hiyoko snickered. "Seriously though, why is here? He doesn't know how to play an instrument."

Neither do you...

"That doesn't matter! Y/N said he wanted to play drums before, right?" Ibuki asked, turning towards you.

"Well, yeah, but--"

"So, while we were setting up, Ibuki found this drum set and thought of you!" She exclaimed she shoved drumsticks in your hand. "Besides, I'm sure Mahiru wouldn't pass up the opportunity to snag some shots of you, riiiiiiight, Mahiru~?"

"D-Don't be stupid..." Mahiru muttered with a blush.

"...Why are we doing this anyway?" you asked.

"Well... the pictures I have is just you guys smiling, so... I just wanted to change things up a bit." Mahiru explained. "Hiyoko's gonna dance, Ibuki's gonna play her guitar, and I guess you'll play the drums."

"What about Chiaki?"

"Oh, I was just gonna stand by and watch, but..." she held up a triangle. "I found this and figured I'd give it shot!"

"So, what do you say, Y/N?" Ibuki asked. "Wanna join in?"

"Screw it, we got to live a little, right?"

"Yahoo! That's the spirit!"

"You better not be shit at it!" Hiyoko exclaimed. "I want something nice to dance to!"

Well, I hope you're ready to be disappointed.

"One sec..." Mahiru said as she focused on the tripod. "Okay... I'm ready when you guys are!" she said from behind the camera as she gave a quick thumbs up.

"Let's go-go!" Ibuki exclaimed as she grabbed her guitar.

"I'm ready... I think." Chiaki said as she grabbed her triangle.

You walked towards the back and sat down. You eyed the drum set curiously.

"Uh, where exactly do I start?"

"Just go bananas!"

Taking her advice you started hitting one of the drums. Soon enough, you managed to get a steady beat going.

"Yeah, you got it!" Ibuki winked as she started to insanely shred her guitar.


Chiaki didn't say anything or move her head. She started to hit her triangle with such intensity. It's almost as if we don't exist to her right now.

"Hmm... I guess this is acceptable..." Hiyoko muttered before she began her traditional dance.

You could help but feel your heart warm up as you saw the smile Ibuki had on her face. The way Ibuki was shredding her guitar was insane. She was going at an insane rate, and it didn't look like she was going to stop soon. There was no doubt that she's more into heavy metal than other genres, which didn't really surprise you. She did have a "punk rocker" type look going, after all. It's a good thing her amp was turned low, if it had been louder, we probably would've gone deaf.

Hiyoko seemed to be really happy too, even when there's an almost deafening guitar in the background, she still held a big smile on her face as she hummed out loud and flawlessly performed her dance. It was almost mesmerizing in a way. It was no wonder she has so many fans. She was truly the Ultimate Traditional Dancer.

Chiaki still held her gaze straight as she kept hitting her triangle. Gaming or not, she still had the ability to completely shut everything out and focus on whatever she was doing. Even with her insanely focused on that triangle, you couldn't help but notice that small smile on her face.

Finally, Mahiru had her faced buried in her camera as she took shots. She looks like a professional camera man taking pictures of a model. She must be getting a kick out of this as she sees everyone's bright smiles. These photo's will be keeper's for sure.

But... something isn't right... even though she had a smile. Something about that smile made you feel off.


"So, who're we gonna take a photo of first?"

"Uh, me..." she said with a faint blush.


"Well, yeah... I have a lot of photos of everyone one, and barely any of me... So, why not take one now? Besides... I want a record of how you see me..."

"I see... well, if it's you in the photo, how could it be bad?"


Right... she wanted to have more pictures of herself. It wouldn't be fair if there wasn't any of her and her friends, right? She must really want to join in...

Ending the steady beat you made, you got up and walked off the stage.

"Hey! What're you doing!? You're ruining my dance!" Hiyoko cried out.

But you ignored her as you walked over to Mahiru.

"Y/N? What's wrong?"

"Come up on stage, Mahiru! I know you want to join in."

"Well, yeah, but... the pictures..."

"Can your camera like, take photos by itself or whatever?"

"Yeah, but..."

"But nothing! Come on, you need to be in these pictures too."

"What am I going to do though?"

"Hmm... You can dance with Hiyoko!"

"Ooooo, yeah! Come on, Big Sis!" Hiyoko called out. "We're going to perform an awesome dance!"

Mahiru let out a soft laugh. "Okay, okay! I just hope these'll come out alright..."

"It doesn't matter if they come out good or not." Chiaki said. "What matters is that we're all having a good time, right?"

"Yeah... you do have a good point there."

"Then let's get back to it! Yahoo!" Ibuki exclaimed as she continued playing

"Thanks you guys..." Mahiru said with a sweet smile. "These photos will mean a lot to me..."

Everyone soon resumed what they were doing (this time with Mahiru dancing with Hiyoko) and after a while, everyone decided to split off and so, you returned to your room. The nighttime announcement played soon after.

You prepped for bed, but as you were trying to sleep, something was plaguing your mind...

What's Monokuma's next motive...?

*DISCONTINUED* Ultimate Cognizant (Danganronpa 2 x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now