First Class Trial (4)

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Nagito: Well, what now?

You: Don't think you can take control after what you fuckin' did.

Mahiru: Yeah, just shut up!

Nagito: My, apologies! Mere trash like me shouldn't lead the conversation like that!

Hajime: The knife isn't the murder weapon, so we can't confirm Nagito is the killer...

Teruteru: N-Nagito said that Byakuya shoved him away, right? But... is there any proof?

Gundham: The little cook speaks the truth... Nagito is not cleared of suspicion, he could've used a different weapon.

You: Well, that's not just it... remember what Mikan said?

Mikan: H-Huh...? M-Me...?

You: Yeah, you brought up a very important point earlier, and I'd hate to steal your thunder... so, go ahead... take your time.

Mikan: U-Um... w-well...

Hiyoko: Jeez! Spit it out already tras—

You: Hiyoko. Stop. Now.


Gundham: I have never met someone so aggressive, yet so... weak. Such personally... on the opposite ends of the spectrum.

You: ...let's just give Mikan the spotlight, okay?

Mikan: W-Well... Byakuya was killed under the t-table, right...?

Sonia: That is correct, is there something wrong?

Mikan: W-Well... when the lights came back, N-Nagito was really c-clean, wasn't he...?

Nagito: Wow, a compliment! I never received one before, not even from my own mother! For my first compliment to be from a symbol of hope... it just fills me with overwhelming hope!

Mikan: N-No... I wasn't talking about y-your looks...!

Hajime: That... is true. It's weird that Nagito didn't have any blood on him.

You: For him to not even have a speck on him... it's really odd. There was a shit-ton of blood under the table.

Mikan: Th-There was even a lot on the inside of the t-tablecloth...

Peko: Now that you mention it... it is very strange.

Nagito: Huh, I didn't get any blood on me? That *is* weird, heh... Maybe I just got lucky again?

You: No, your luck isn't gonna bullshit its way through that.

Nekomaru: What if he just used something to shield the blood?

Nagito: Something that could've been used to block the blood... Heh, I wonder what it could've been... What do you think, Hajime?

Hajime: H-Huh...? Oh... It had to of been that bloodied tablecloth we found in the storage room, right?

You: A bloodied tablecloth hidden in the storage room, huh? That does seem plausible.

Fuyuhiko: Well, that settles it, right? Nagito used that tablecloth to block the blood splatter!

*DISCONTINUED* Ultimate Cognizant (Danganronpa 2 x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now