Strawberry House

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"According to that map, these must be the guest rooms." you said as you reached the second floor.

"You know, he never did explain how the 12 of us are supposed to bunk in five rooms." Mahiru pointed out.

"That's Monokuma for you..." you sighed. "It's probably intentional..."

You opened one of the doors that was in left. Upon entering, you notice that the room was trashed. The colors didn't match anything, the bed wasn't even on a frame, it was just sitting on the floor, and on top of that, the blankets looked like it was stitched together very poorly.

"Jeez... this room is already making me depressed." Hiyoko commented. "No way am I sleeping in a room like this."

"Yeah..." you added. "This is definitely the "crummy room"."

"More like garbage room!"

"C'mon guys... it isn't that bad." Mahiru tried to reason. "Would you rather sleep on the floor?"

"Honestly, I don't think there's much difference between that bed and the floor..." you countered. "I suppose it *is* better than nothing."

"And I'm guessing across is another garbage room..." Hiyoko said as she pointed across. "Lame!"

She then walked over to the next door. "Huh? I hear voices..." she pressed her ear against the door. "Sounds like Fuyuhiko and Akane."

"We shouldn't eavesdrop on them." Mahiru suggested.

"What? C'mon, Mahiru!" Hiyoko whined. "We never see those two together!"

"She does make a good point..." you admitted. "I am a little curious myself."

"Not you too!" Mahiru snapped. "That's disrespectful and insensitive!"

"But Mahiru!" Hiyoko whined once more.

"No buts! Would you want someone eavesdropping on you?"


"Then get away from the door!"

"Hmph..." she (fake) sniffled as she walked away.

"Your ability to go from friendly to assertive in a instant is impressive." you admitted. "Seriously, and you get mad when I say you'd make a good mom?"

"I-I don't get mad..." she blushed and shyly looked away before snapping back to you. "Wait! Don't distract me! You get away from the door too!"

"Okay, okay!" you put your hands up and walked towards her. "You ability to go from shy to assertive in an instant is impressive too..." you muttered.

"Yeah, yeah..."

The three of you then go into a lounge like area that was across
from that door. There was a clock on the wall, a telephone, a picture of some old guy, and some tables and chairs. Gundham and Sonia were also here.

"Whose that old guy?" you asked, pointing up at the picture.

"As you gaze upon the picture, one would find out that this mysterious human is called... Izuru Kamakura." Gundham mused with a small grin. "I could sense a dangerous aura from him... Rejoice, for I have found myself a worthy opponent!"

"Most of that was unintelligible nonsense, but... Izuru Kamakura, huh...? Can't say I've heard that name before..." Mahiru admitted.

"Neither have I, but he must be somewhat important if Monokuma placed his photo here." Sonia said.

"For Monokuma to do that... maybe he's an enemy? Maybe he's the founder of this Future Foundation..." you theorized.

"You think so? I mean... look at him, he looks like someone from like 1920 or something." Hiyoko commented.

*DISCONTINUED* Ultimate Cognizant (Danganronpa 2 x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now