theirs drama all around pt 3

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katie's pov
as we all reached the hotel camila still had tight hold of me, i went to let go of her hand and she looked up at me, "jesus sorry babe i didn't even realise i was still gripping you" she said as i laughed, "i was starting to get pins and needles" i said as everyone laughed, i looked over at demi and seen she was texting someone,i gently put my hand on her arm and she looked up, " where here now" i said smiling as i was about to get out the car i felt demi take hold of my bag ," your having my phone so i don't look at it all night" she said dropping her phone into my bag and closing it up, as we all walked into the hotel i seen cari sat downstairs in the lobby looking really upset, i let go of demi and ran over to her, it was when i got close i seen the red cheek mark "wait she hit you" i said watching dinah and camila spin round and look at me, cari never said anything and looked down at the floor i felt someone behind me and seen demi looking at cari,"dam she got you good their" demi said gently brushing cari's cheek and helping her up, "camila go with katie and emmi to this room while we get cari's stuff" dinah said handing her the key, i watched as camila walked in the total wrong direction, "it's a mirrical she actually found the right venue i was in to be honest" i said as me and cari laughed and stood up, "mila this way" i said watching as camila came back," i knew that i was making sure you were paying attention
" camila said smiling, as we got to the room, i realised all the rooms were separate "wow this room is hugee" cari said walking round, "i'm just gonna sort the baby out quick and put her down for the night, everyone has a double or queen bed so theirs plenty of room" camila said looking at me, i heard the door open and demi and dinah walked in, "jesus christ we could live here it's hugee" dinah said, as demi sat next to me, "are we dead girls walking tomorrow" i asked already feeling nervous, "no your safe babe mike and phil will still be dicks to me, but not you" demi said looking at me, "how is that fair you've not done anything to them,but they can barricade you into a hotel room with no phones or fruit" i said looking at demi.
dinah's pov
I could hear katie talking to demi and realised she had just told demi what her team where doing, "wait how did you know the phone and fruit had been taken away" demi said looking at katie, "because demi dinah and cari where in the same hotel, when you said you didn't want any food i asked dinah and she said about the fruit bowl, our table where the bowl was ment to be and bedside table were empty" katie said looking worried, i walked into the room katie jumped up and walked out the room to where cari was, demi shot me a angry look, "i doubt you wanna give me that look, lauren's on the way here ready to pull katie out of this tour with you" i said staring at demi, "no please dinah i don't wanna go" i heard katie shout sounding upset, cari and camila were holding her, " i wanna stay please no one here has done anything, the only people who have are mike phil and maybe kelsey, just because she won't leave demi the hell alone" katie said looking at me which made demi smile,"we need a plan oh demi by the way can you tell your mum i'm sorry i was ment to meet her when we got back"katie said looking at demi, we watched as demi stood up and walked towards the door and opened it, "you can meet her now babe she's here with my sisters " demi said smiling, just then i seen lauren walk into the room and katie ran to her.
lauren's pov
As katie clung onto me i see camila about to walk out with emmi, "hey camila stay here please" i said watching her shake, dinah came and got katie as demi's mom and sisters walked into the room , i ran after camila "hey wait please camila what's happened" i asked catching upto her and looking at her, i realised she was in the middle of a big anxiety attack and emmi was fast asleep, "can i give emmi to dinah while i help you" i asked watching camila nod, i kept hold of camila with one hand and gently pushed emmi back into the room, dinah seen and pushed the pram back into the empty bedroom, "we'll be back in a bit" i said watching as dinah stared at camila "i got the baby and katie no rush take your time" dinah said looking worried, as the door closed i could feel camila shaking "come this way" i said gently guiding camila into my hotel room and sitting us both on the bed, "do you want a hot drink " i asked watching camila nod, thankfully i knew what camila wanted, "still have a shit load of sugar" i asked smiling watching camila calm down " y yeah" she said smiling " thanks" she said looking at me ," i wasn't about to let you walk out by yourself, sounds like we've both gone through hell this week" i said sitting down next to her, as i looked i seen what looked like a bruise on camila's cheek " shit your cheek" i said watching camila instantly look away, "mila please who done this" i asked " my ex cheater boyfriend" i heard camila say, i turned and looked at her ,"seems we're sharing shit" i said watching as she looked at me,i pulled my hair up watching as she seen the hand mark, "not a word to dinah demi or katie" i said watching camila nod, "we better go back soon are you okay now" i asked "yeah thanks lauren" camila said smiling.
camila's pov
As we walked back into the room katie ran to me shaking, "what the hell happened" lauren shouted making everyone turn round "mike and phil were here" katie said looking at me, " i had no where to hide her they barged in" dinah said looking pissed, i realised demi was gone and so where her sisters and mom, "where's demi" i asked i seen cari and dinah look at each other and then at katie, "they forced her back to her hotel" katie said i could feel tears on me and pulled katie close, " cari here saved katie " dinah said as me and lauren turned round, " mike was walking towards katie who was walking backwards, cari grabbed katie and took her into her bathroom and locked the door, but that ment they just went for demi instead" dinah said looking sad, " so they basically kidnapped Demi also cari thanks for saving katie" lauren said smiling at cari, just then we heard katie gasp " oh my goddd nooo" katie said looking terrified , "what what's happened" lauren asked as we all walked closer, katie sat down on the bed and looked at her phone
madz: girl their not even hiding it now they forgot we were in demi's room and barricaded us in their with her 🤦‍♀️😳
dallas: these are some straight dum asses 🤣🤣🤣 and we have no phone or fruit 🤔🤔🤔
" okay stop if their not even assed about other people being in their,then i'm not fucking okay with katie being their at night" lauren said looking annoyed
"lauren mike still wants a meeting tomorrow with katie " dinah said, " oh we're all going cari you may as well know now that we all trust you with katie, i'm sure you'll find out her story soon but i'm glad you are someone she trusts and likes" lauren said smiling, " and i promise to keep her safe whenever i can, i don't know the full story but she is a nice girl who i hope we can be friends for a long time even after this tour" cari said smiling .

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