Panic attacks get worse

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Katie's pov
Iv been with camila for a week and my panic attacks are back, lauren is coming over to talk to me later , i looked up as camila walked into the room and smiled at me " are you ok babe" she asked sitting next to me,"i don't know" i said looking at the floor i honestly felt so scared scared of the tour scared of loosing the girls scared of little mix scared of the panic attacks,i was missing my mum like crazy as well which wasn't helping,i don't know how long i was sat their but the next thing i knew lauren was sat next to me,"nuggets you were really spaced out then are you ok" lauren asked looking at me and pulling me towards her "babe were going to ask demi what we should do ok if that means we go to her house then were going to her house" lauren said keeping hold of me,i heard camila come into the room " dinah's just called she said she'd come and take katie back with her for a bit because she knows how to stop the panic attacks" camila said looking at me and lauren, everything happened so fast dinah said she'd be here at six tonight and to meet her at the airport,lauren let me go back to her house and get more clothes as i walked into laurens room i knew she was right behind me,"its only a few days babe that you'll be with dinah a week at most" lauren said but i didn't want to talk .
Lauren's pov
As we waited at the airport for dinah i could see katie getting more and more upset,she'd not spoke since we were at camila's this morning i looked at the bored "dinah's planes just landed babe she should be here any minute" i said watching katie's bottom lip tremble and her eyes fill with tears, i sat next to her and pulled her into a hug " its ok babe its dinah you'll be fine its only a few days" i said keeping hold of her just then i seen dinah walking towards us,i watched as dinah seen katie and katie look up at dinah "dam lauren i knew you said they were bad but how long have they been this bad" dinah asked pulling katie into a hug," just today i think mila's been watching her for a few days"i said watching dinah try and calm katie down,we walked to the boarding area dinah still had tight hold of katie i had tight hold of her hand, i looked at katie and seen her shaking like crazy i squeezed her hand and she looked at me "dinahh" i said keeping hold of katie's hand.
Dinah's pov
As i looked at lauren i seen she looked scared, i looked at katie and seen nothing but fear, she was in the middle of a huge panic attack i took hold of katie's face gently and walked her through her calming down steps " i can't do this i can't do this" i heard katie whisper,i pulled her into a hug and kept hold of her wrapping my arms round her as our plane was called i kept hold of katie,as we got onto the plane i quickly sat us both down and pulled my phone out and seen a text from my mum iv made a bed in you're room for katie i quickly messaged her back and pulled my earphones out,"here babe " i said handing her a ear phone i watched as she shakily put it in her ear,i grabbed hold of her hand and gently squeezed it while rubbing my thumb over her knuckles " we'll get this sorted babe my mums already said she's coming with us were ever we go now"i said keeping hold of her hand she didn't say anything but she nodded,i pulled her towards me so katie's head was leaning on my shoulder "try and get some sleep boo we have a long flight ahead" i said wrapping my arm round her "h how long" i heard katie ask "a few hours babe " i said as the plane got ready for take off, i looked at katie and seen tears streaming down her face i lifted the arm rest up and pulled katie even closer to me " its ok boo i swear we'll sort this out ok" i said playing with her hair " i don't wanna go backwards" i heard katie say,i remembered last time katie was like this in Hawaii and pulled her close " babe we have a good few hours on this plane,so lets talk about things" i said gently.
Katie's pov
I knew id have to tell dinah i wasn't going to get away with it im on a plane with her for a good few hours, i nodded and she smiled "talk to me then buds whats going on" dinah asked looking at me and keeping hold of my hand," i i feel so scared all the time,am scared of this tour i don't wanna loose you girls, little mix scare the crap out of me and so do the panic attacks" i could feel my eyes starting to water and my bottom lip trembling "a and i m miss m my mum again " i said sobbing in dinahs arms i felt dinah pull me into a tight hug,the next thing i knew i was opening my eyes i was still in dinah's arms i pulled back i seen dinah look down at me " you cried you're self to sleep babe are you ok" dinah asked keeping hold of me "yeah am ok how long was i asleep" i asked sitting up and looking at dinah "around a hour babe"dinah said looking at me, just then the seatbelt sign came on which ment we were landing soon "ready for this week babe" dinah said smiling i looked at her and smiled back "yeah should be fun" i said as the plane landed,once we got our bags dinah rang her mum as soon as she seen me i was pulled into a huge hug this weeks going to be insane. 

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