Tour,sickness and flu

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Katie's pov
As soon as i opened my eyes the next day i knew things would be bad, the nightmare i had started it,i still had a cold or flu and i had stomach cramps i ran to the bathroom hearing demi walking up stairs "stop babe" demi said keeping hold of the door and pulling me towards her"i can see the panic babe its written all over your face" demi said keeping hold of me and walking me back to her bedroom, " babe did you even get any sleep last night you look exhausted" demi asked looking worried i nodded as demi gently lifted my chin up "im putting you on total rest for a week babe by the end of today one of the 5h girls will be taking you to a doctor if your not feeling well still" demi said as she took my hand and took me to her wardrobe handing me some soft jogging bottoms a hoddie and a t shirt, " you get changed sweetness and ill message the girls and see who's around to take you the doctors" she said as she kissed my cheek,as i walked out the bathroom i seen demi walking towards me "babe do you still want to come with me and dinah said she'll come for you later on, she may pass you onto ally or normani if its flu okay" demi said "yeah okay thats okay" i said as demi took my hand leading me to her car, as we got to the venue i seen kelsey stood waiting for us "go easy kels she's not well" demi shouted as she walked to my door i felt so weak trying to open a car door, as demi opened the door and helped me out, as we walked into the venue i seen kelsey walk in and quickly turn the couch into a bed, " lie down babe im going to ring dinah,ally and normani to see who's closer"demi said as i slowly lay down, i felt jill demi's make up woman feel my head "she's burning up" jill said looking worried,demi came back into the room and sat down next to me "sweetness you can ether go with ally or normani who do you want to be with" demi asked gently " a ally"i said quietly, "do you think you can take a nap here, dani's ran to the store to get you a cover and some drinks so as soon as she's back i want you to try and sleep" demi said as i nodded,i don't remember what happened but i woke up feeling someone gently kiss my cheek,as i opened my eyes i seen ally sat next to me and will behind her i seen the way ally was looking at me and knew i wouldn't be seeing the first night of demi's tour "we've made you a appointment baby,demi is in her meet and greet now" ally said keeping me calm, as i sat up the room span fast i heard the door open and seen dani in front of me holding a drink out for me "drink slow babe" she said keeping hold of the drink,once id finished i seen ally reach over and feel my head "i think we best get you to the car babe your burning up again" ally said as deni helped me to their car " iv put the dancers numbers and kelsey's number in your phone for when your feeling better" dani said smiling.
Ally's pov
As we reached the hotel i seen katie was fast asleep again,i reached over and gently moved her hair out of her face i seen her eyes open slowly "shall we go to our room sweetie i have pyjama's for you here" i said seeing katie nod, "okay stay their okay ill come and help you out" i said quickly closing the door and running to katie's door, as we got to the room i could tell katie was getting weaker "will can you see if the doctor could come here im not taking her out again" i said watching will run off to ring up and change the appointment, i turned to katie who seemed half asleep "shall i help you into some pj's babe" i asked watching katie nod "come one then you can rest and sleep,demi told me you where having stomach cramps babe did you eat anything before going to the stadium" i asked and got no reply i looked up and katie was fast asleep, i quickly got some light pj's on her and left her to rest i left the door open so i could hear her "the doctor said she would be here soon and it sounded like flu" will said looking at me "cancel everything i have for the rest of the week theirs no way im dragging her to meetings" i said as will nodded i heard a whimper and ran to katie, as i reached the bed i seen katie was sobbing but fast asleep i quickly got into bed next to her and gently wrapped my arms around her, i quickly messaged all the girls telling them that i had katie and that she had flu and a doctor would be here soon, i heard the door open and will and a doctor where watching, katie was still fast asleep while getting checked over, "we could get dinah to come and get her" will said, before i could even respond i heard someone knocking at the door, will walked to open it " do non of you read your texts" i heard Lauren say looking angrily at will, " ally you have been caring for katie will you have the phone in your dam hand" lauren said sitting down, " what is wrong with her" she asked looking worried , the doctor then came back into the room" nothing to serious she does have the flu and is a little dehydrated, some electolie drinks will help with that but plenty of rest for a week and fluids " the doctor said as he walked out the room " i have a few weeks off if you want me to take her" lauren said , i looked at lauren and then back at katie " what about ty" i asked looking at lauren, he's on tour he won't be back for four weeks, but if anything happens i can ask dinah to come and get katie" lauren said .

Salute like a boss  (sequel to a year with 5h)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu