Fun day and upset night

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Camila's pov
Its the day of the album launch,katie has been so quiet and shy almost like she's gone back to how she was when we first got her,at the minute were all stood waiting to get on the bus katie's stood with lucy and our moms waiting for lauren and dinah to come back from the bathroom,i could see katie shaking and quickly walked over to her,as i got close i gently reached out and held her hand her head shot towards me " hey come here you're ok babe" i said hugging her close,i felt her relax as lauren and dinah came back lauren took hold of both of our hands as we all walked out the hotel i felt katie stop as we got to the bottom of the stairs "come on babe" i said trying to get katie to move all the fans were watching as katie panicked "is katie ok mila" i heard a fan ask "she's just a bit scared with all the shouting she'll be ok" i said smiling at the fan,i watched the fan turn and talk to a few others just then our fans went quiet the only noise you could hear was our album from the bus i turned and looked at the fan "whats going on" i asked "well we don't like knowing were upsetting her so we all decided to stay quiet if anyone got upset" i quickly gave the fan a hug "thank you enjoy the rest of today" i said smiling at her as i reached the bus i watched everyone go upstairs.

Lauren's pov
Katie was sat with lucy and dinah's mom at the back of the bus, i sat down next to dinah and camila i felt dinah rub my arm and looked up at her "she'll be ok we'll fix her" dinah said smiling i looked back at katie and seen she was calming down i felt my phone get a message and seen two messages one of katie and one of lucy i quickly replied
Katie💞:can i come and sit with you guys 😔😔
Me: come on up baby 😊💖
Lucy💟:she wants you guys ill still keep a eye on her today while you're busy 😊
Me: thanks gurl 😙
As katie walked upto us i could see how scared she was but was trying not to show it "i have a idea babe how about you help us out today if you see a fan upset let us know, but i want you to promise me that if you feel scared you'll tell us girls or lucy ok" i said looking at katie, i could see the fear still in her eyes and wrapped my arms round her "were here babe you're safe ok" i felt her nod.
Dinah's pov
we'd already done the album launch party and were half way through the album signing and i could see katie sat with lucy and my mom,i looked over at lauren and smiled at her she smiled back" katie can you pass me a bottle of water please" i asked smiling at her as she gave me the water i pulled her to sit on my knee and wrapped my arms round her "dinah i" katie started but stopped and leaned back "wow you gave up fast" i said smiling at the fan in front of me but keeping hold of katie "i know" katie said smiling at me as the next fan walked towards us i seen how scared she was,i watched katie reach out and hold onto the fans hand and smiled at her we all watched as the young girl calmed down and made it to ally at the end of the line me and lauren turned and looked at katie " gurl how and when did you figure out how to do that" lauren asked as katie giggled "i don't know i just guessed that thats what she needed" katie said smiling, "well thats ur job from now on fan hand holder" i said as the next fans came down the line" by the way wanna stay with me and my mom tonight" i asked smiling i watched katie nod and smile.
Katie's pov
Oh god this is going to be hard with dinah and her mom i love then but their both insane, i felt lauren pull me off dinah's lap and walk over to the rest of the parents i seen malika smiling at me, as we got back to the hotel dinah pulled me in her and her mums room " lets get some room service" dinah said plugging in her speakers i sat down on the bed and watched dinah order some food "gurl i want everything on this menu" dinah said, after a few hours we were all bored " i know what to do" dinah said getting up from the bed and fixing the room,i sat next to milika as she filmed dinah after everything had died down i don't know why but i started panicking i was lying next to dinah in the bed,i moved closer to dinah and cuddled into her "its ok baby ur ok" she said keeping her arms round me "katie why don't you get on twitter and do a tweet longer, explain what you went through from the start we can even do a group one first telling the fans to read you're one" dinah said looking at me,i nodded and started righting what i was going through.
Ally's pov
As i walked into mine and mani's room i could hear bella getting upset with andrea,i quickly opened the door and seen andrea holding bella "here she is bella" andrea said moving so i can pick bella up,"what happened baby" i asked wrapping my arms round her " i think she's had a bad dream ally she's been fine all day" andrea said walking out the room,i lay down on the bed with bella clinging onto me "come on bells lets get ready for bed and you can tell me whats wrong" i said gently kissing her head,as we got into bed bella hadn't let go of me i pulled her so my arm was round her back and her head was on my shoulder bella's hands never let go of me like she needed to cling onto me "whats wrong sweetheart" i asked looking at bella "d don't l leave m me" she said breaking down and clinging onto me .

* hey everyone sorry av took so long works been killing me i have ideas for the fic but if anyone has a idea let me know 😊*

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