Chapter 19

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Misa had put off meeting Rithian as long as she could, but she knew there was no escaping the inevitable. The witch had been right. Misa had returned, and she was going to Rithian for help because she had no choice.

Misa glanced at the ebony bracelet, wondering if it had been enchanted to ensure her return. It made her blood boil, so she returned her attention to the darkened path in front of her, not so daunting with Min-Min trotting by her side. She didn't have another relapse of losing control since her journey to Harthem, though the vivid dreams that plagued her with a sister she never had continued to visit her every time she closed her eyes.

It was a miracle no witch had found her with Tika's magic emanating from her like a white light in a dark forest, and Misa had a vague hope that maybe the magic wasn't as ancient and powerful as she'd been led to believe.

"I've been wondering where this ripple of power was coming from."

Min-Min hissed.

Misa froze, her blood rushing at the sound of the witch's voice. She hadn't even noticed Rithian sitting at the fountain, her hair tied back into an elegant braid. Not for the first time, the witch's beauty struck Misa, and she wondered how a monster could have such fair skin.

"Something was interfering with your magic, making it difficult to pinpoint where it had come from, but it all makes sense now."

A low, throaty yowl escaped Min-Min, before the cat hissed with a vehemence Misa had never seen before. Min-Min's fur had raised so much that she looked almost twice as large as she really was. Rithian only laughed.

"Tika always had a thing for cats. Not a surprise she sent one to guard you and your magic. I see you've become more powerful now. Not even the cat's cloaking could completely hide you away."

Cloaking? Misa glanced down at Min-Min. The cat had been protecting Misa from other witches, she realised. A surge of affection arose, and Misa made a mental note to make sure to give Min-Min a warm meal when this was over.

"I..." Misa gritted her teeth and swallowed her pride. "I've come to learn. I can't control Tika's power, and I've come to get it under control."

Even though she braced herself, Misa couldn't stop the pained wince at Rithian's sharp cackle. The witch stood, elegance exuding from her posture, her clothing, her whole being.

"It's unfortunate I wasn't there to see the light in Tika flicker and die. How tragic it is."

Misa doubted sorrow was the reason Rithian wanted to be present at Tika's death.

"You wish to learn magic?" Rithian awaited for Misa's answer with a predatory smirk.

Misa ignored the dread lumping in the pit of her stomach. This was what she had come here for. This was what she had prepared for. To find Leira.

For Leira. Do it for Leira.

"Yes," she replied with a strength she had to muster. "Teach me magic."

Rithian couldn't keep the ecstasy from her expression. She whirled around wordlessly, but Misa didn't need a command to know she was to follow.

Picking up Min-Min, who still had fur spiked like needles, Misa found herself weaving through the vaguely familiar streets of Harthem. They came to the secret room Misa had had her very first lesson in, and her training immediately began.

Rithian first assessed the extent of Misa's power, prodding at Misa's ribs and releasing her own magic from its cloak to measure it with Tika's.

With a slight smile, she remarked how Tika had always been weaker than her. Hiding away her magic, she then studied Min-Min with a slight scowl.

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