Chapter 10

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The walk back to Misa's chambers was filled with quiet murmurs and scrutiny from everyone they passed. Misa kept her head down. She couldn't face the servants, the guards, or whoever else was lurking in the palace. Shame. Humiliation. She had tried to pry her hand from Royle the moment she realised they were being watched, but she resigned when he refused. He kept a tight grip on her as if he wanted everyone to know about them.

Misa wondered if it really mattered. Rumours had already spread like wildfire, and she knew people would think what they wanted whether it was the truth or not. It just hurt that Royle would be included in it, and from what she'd heard from the guards, he didn't have the best of reputations in the castle, especially after that scandal with the princess.

The unpleasant whispers of gossip followed them to the witches' floor. Misa was familiar with this path, and it was her turn to lead Royle. She tensed when two witches passed by her, both freezing in their tracks when they caught sight of her. She'd forgotten that every other witch aside from Nisha, Sha'ka, and Brin still thought she hated Royle after what he'd done to her sister. There was no doubt that it would be brought up in the witches' meet tonight. Another obstacle she would have to deal with, but at the moment, she didn't have the energy to care.

When she finally reached the door to her chambers, Misa practically flung it open and rushed inside. It was dark as the curtains were drawn, and it took a few seconds for her eyes to adjust to the sudden change in lighting.

Royle gently closed the door behind them. The privacy was enough for the dam Misa had struggled to build to break down. She turned away from Royle, the shame and guilt pouring over her like a waterfall, drowning her in the memory of what had happened in the painting room. She couldn't help but wonder what she could have done differently to escape the situation, but the knowledge that she couldn't change the past only made it worse. She had been so stupid to be careless around the prince after he made his intentions clear.

"Misa?" Royle stepped in front of her and carefully reached out. His fingers grazed her shoulder. "I'm here."

It was too much. Misa broke down, bawling like a child. Royle wrapped his arms around her, and she sobbed into him.

"I'm sorry." She bunched his uniform into her fists. The guilt ate away at her. She could still feel the light graze of the prince's lips against her own. "I'm so sorry. He kissed me, and I couldn't stop him. I...I should have done something, anything, but I froze up and-and..."

"Shh." Royle brushed his fingers through her hair. "Listen to me. It's not your fault."

"But..." Misa hiccupped. She couldn't understand how Royle could be holding her when she couldn't stop the disgust that she had kissed another man. How was he still consoling her when it should have been the other way around? He should have been yelling at her, getting mad at her for what she had done, and yet...

"It's not your fault," he repeated. His embrace tightened. "You shouldn't have had to go through that. I'm sorry."

It took a few quiet minutes for Misa to regain her senses. The comfort he gave her was enough for her to gather her strength. She pulled away from him, still unable to look at him. Wiping her nose with a sleeve, she let out a shaky breath.

"You cut your hair," Royle said, catching her off guard. "It suits you."

Misa's smile was wobbly. She appreciated that he was trying to keep her mind off of what had happened. "Thank you. Brin cut it for me on our way here."

There was a flash of emotion in his eyes, something that Misa couldn't quite catch, but it was gone when he smiled. He urged her towards the couches that sat near the fireplace.

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