Chapter 32

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Misa had no idea how long she'd been mulling in the water, but by the time she got the energy to leave, her fingers had turned into prunes. Steam was still trapped in the small bathing room, lingering with the scent of citrus from the soap. Even soap was pretentiously customised for the palace!

Misa hadn't forgotten her nightclothes this time. She pulled up her drawers and loosely wrapped the linen she'd once used to disguise herself around her chest before fitting her nightgown over her. Her wet hair immediately dripped onto the silky material.

It was the last night. Misa's heart was heavy. She sighed and turned to the mirror to practise her smiles. They were getting more and more convincing, at least. She had to be cheerful. She had to make sure Royle wasn't worried about her, that her smiles would be what he remembered, not her sobs.

Clearing out the fog in the mirror, Misa stared at her reflection. She had gained a little bit of weight from the rich food they served at the palace. A relief, she supposed, or her otherwise gaunt face would have made her stressful time obvious to anyone who saw her. She mustered a smile and watched herself light up. Yes. She was getting much better. Her eyes held a shine, her jaw was unclenched, and her shoulders were relaxed. Happy. She looked happy.

It wasn't like it was too difficult to fake. No. With Royle, Misa didn't even have to think to look like she owned the world. This practice, though it was to put Royle at ease, would ultimately be for Nisha. Her daily practice at the mirror had paid off, and all she needed to do was play the good little helper until she had the chance to stop Nisha once and for all.

She blinked. Rather, she saw herself blink. Misa gasped and took a step back. Her reflection remained still.

"Misa," her reflection said.

Fear clutched her heart. Misa couldn't stop backing away, horror catching her voice.

"You must understand." It raised a hand and pressed it against the mirror. "You need me. You need all of me if you want to succeed."

A scream finally tore through her throat. Misa staggered backwards, as far away from the mirror as she could get. The back of her knees caught the edge of the bathtub. She had one last moment to see her reflection disappear before she splashed into the water. Her head dunked under, garbling her scream, before she emerged and coughed sharply.

"Misa!" The bathroom door flew open. Royle saw her struggle, and he sped towards her.

"Royle." Misa gasped. "The mirror. The mirror."

His brows knitted, and Royle turned his head towards the golden frame. "What is it? There's nothing there."

"It was talking to me." Misa wasn't even sure if her face was wet from tears or the bath water. "It was moving on its own!"

"What was?" Royle held her arms. "Look at me, Misa. It's okay. I'm here. Deep breaths."

Misa slowed her breathing, following Royle's lead. She calmed down, and Royle carefully backtracked.

"Now, what was it that you saw?" He maintained eye contact, preventing Misa from looking anywhere else.

Misa blinked away the water that dripped from her hair. She shook her head. "I must be going mad, Royle." She gripped his arms, finding comfort in their strength. "It was my reflection. It was talking to me. Heavens," she shuddered, tightened her grip, "it was talking to me. I don't know, Royle. I must have been imagining it, but it was so real."

"Misa, it's okay. There's nothing in the mirror. See?"

"I know that!" Misa winced. She shouldn't be taking it out on him. "I'm sorry. It's...Just, let me get out of here."

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