Chapter IX

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Seulgi's POV

"Buy me dinner, Hyun." I said and pinch both her cheeks, that are red now. I smiled. "That's how you're gonna pay me and I know the perfect place!" I exclaimed. Actually, I'm not sleepy anymore. It's just that my eyes still feel heavy, from that slumber.

Given that I was already at the place where I literally grow up, I went to visit home. As expected, it was empty except for the helpers. Mom and Dad are busy. Mina's at school. I just stayed there for a little while and get some stuff that I was not able to bring with me. From home I drive around before going back to the university. I parked my car to where it is visible in the eye of who's coming out of the building, to make sure Hyun sees it.

To be honest? I was scared earlier knowing that I was back here. Maybe because I'm still scared of the what I left off here. I'm afraid of facing it again, without knowing what to do, without being prepared. 2 months is still too early for me to face them, but I'm not here for them. I came along with Joohyun by choice and when she told me to leave her here, I didn't feel like doing it that's why I'm still here. I don't know why but my fear earlier vanished, with just a sight of her panicking for me. Plus, the university is big. What will be the odds of bumping into my past again? Knowing most people in the university knew me, I just decided to stay in the car. With the hopes of her noticing my car and that I waited for her, Which she did notice.

"Let go of my face, Seulgi." I pouted and shake my head after she said that. I notice how her expression change after I told her that it's her payment for my generosity. She looks pissed now, it's scary but it's nothing I can't handle.

"How do you do that?" I let go of her face. "First you were blushing and in just a snap your glaring at me already." I went closer to her. "Are you somehow angry that the payment that I'm asking is not what you hoped for?" I whispered, so close to her ear that my lips already touched it. I sensed her let out a heavy breath that made me smirk.

Oh Joohyun. The woman you're making me. I honestly don't know myself anymore, whenever I see or I'm with her. It felt like after that night, everything in me change. I never acted like this with anyone, even my ex.

"Seulgi, don't test me. I just got into some shits inside that building." She said. Huh? "Now's not the time to tease me, if you don't want something like last night to happen again." I move my face a little from her.

"Need something to cool you down?" I said. I felt her breath on my lips already, when I felt a hand on my chest pushing me away. Damn it! This is the second attempt yet I failed again. "Ice cream?" I said to her. "I change my mind! I'll be driving, since you don't know the way to the place I'm talking about." I said.

"Okay." She said and walk her way to the passenger seat. I closed my eyes and facepalmed. embarrassing! The moment I opened my eyes it landed to one of the people I was hoping not to see. Damn it!

He looked at me with his longing eyes. No. You're not falling for it again, Seulgi. I saw him took a step forward to my direction. I raised my hand and signaled him to stop. I shake my head looking at him.

"Not again." I turn my back on him and entered my car. I started the engine. I need to get away from here. I drove off not taking a glance at him. Not noticing my speed is too much already, I felt a hand on my wrist.

"Seulgi! You're driving too fast." She said. With that I slowly stop the car on the side of the road. I then placed my head on the steering wheel.

"Fuck!" I muttered.

"Seulgi, are you mad because I stopped you?" The person beside me spoke. Huh? I look up to her. She looks scared now. Did I drove that fast? Here I thought speed doesn't bother her, since last night she drove so fast too.

"No, Hyun. It's not. I- uuhm" What's your excuse now huh?

"It's because of that guy, isn't it?" When she said that. I just look at her. "Come on, Seulgi. I may have known you for not even a day yet, but I know your reaction after seeing that guy was something. I just wish you could've warned me before driving that fast." She said, holding her chest.

"Says the person who also did that last night." I smiled.

"In my defense, I needed to get you home before the thing take effect on you. Oppa entrusted you to me and I don't want him to scold me because I just let you sleep around with strangers."

"I did slept with a stranger." She faced me. "I didn't know you that time." I said to her. She avoided my gaze.

"Was he the reason you end up transferring to our school?" She changed the topic. I guess she doesn't want to talk about it.

"Hmm." I nodded. "Maybe 60% of my decision in leaving this shithole is because of him."

"And the remaining 40%?"

"for myself. I needed to get away before I lose my mind." I chuckled remembering the time I was willing to do anything for that person, that I didn't realize I was almost losing my sanity already.

"I'm guessing you loved that person too much?" She said and faced me again.

"Not really. More like I didn't want to lose the person who I thought was the only one who understands me that time." I smile bitterly. "I was even willing to do anything for him." I felt wetness in my cheek, I just wipe it off. "Damn it!" I chuckled. I can't believe I'm being vulnerable with a person I just met last night. "You still up for ice cream? I think I need it now too." I smile at her. She just looked at me before nodding.

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