Chapter XXX (Finale)

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Seulgi's POV

I woke up in my slumber. I felt breathing on my neck, then I remembered what just happened. I move a little, that made her groan and hugged me closer.

"Hyun." I called. I took a glimpse of the window and it seemed to be dark outside already.


"I'll get up." I said as I run my fingers through her hair. She just nuzzle more to my neck.

"No." I smiled.

"Come on now. It's dark already. I'll just prepare something to eat. Ooor..." With just that she let go and turn her back on me. Hugging the comforter. I can't help but smile.

"Not anymore Seulgi. I'm tired." She softly mumbled that I almost didn't get what she said. "I'm going back to sleep." I went in and embraced her, from her back.

"I'll call you when I'm done, hmm?" I whispered to her before kissing her in the head. She just said okay and I got up from the bed. I went to her closet hoping to see something to wear. I saw a did saw a few there that surprised me. She put clothes in her guest rooms? It seems to be all new. I picked up a button up shirt and shorts before I went to the bathroom to wash up a little.

I need to go to Oppa's house after dinner, he might be worried already.

I went out of the room and walk my way to her kitchen only to be surprised by the people there.

"Who are you?" A lady asked who I guess is in her mid 40's already. Looking at her features I'm guessing she's Hyun's mother. Next thing I saw was a figure of a man who just came out of what I think was the pantry. Oh Great!

"Young lady, I'm asking you again. Who are you? and what are you doing in my daughter's house?" I can feel she's just keeping her calm now, that made me nervous.


"Where's Joohyun?" I was just staring at here, not sure if I'm gonna answer her or not.

She was about to walk passed me to go where I just came from but I blocked her. She look at me in surprise.

"She's sleeping. I think it's best to not disturb her." I said calmly. The thought of Hyun waking up to her furious mother came to me, and I don't think I can see that. As much as possible I'll stop it from happening.


"Kang Seulgi. I'm Kang Seulgi." I said. "Can we talk Mr. and Mrs. Bae?" I said looking at the lady in front of me and then her father who is still standing frozen in the kitchen. The lady was about to g again but I still blocked her. "Please." I look at her in the eye. They have the same eye color.

"She turn her back on me and went to the living room" I released a sigh of relief. I looked at her father and he nodded and went to follow his wife. He seemed to be still reading the situation, I can tell he's that type.

I sat on a solo couch, facing them

"So, Kang Seulgi." Mr. Bae started. Damn! his voice is scary, but I need to do this. "Your name sounds unique yet so familiar, I'm sure I heard it from somewhere already." I'm sure of that. The Bae's once had business ventures with my parents.

"What's your relationship with my daughter?" Her mother instantly questions. Looking at her expression, I can tell she have something in mind already. I just look at her. I don't want to be the one to tell out Joohyun to them. Her father is just there waiting for my response. I'm sorry, Hyun.

"Just be honest, young lady. We want to know the truth." I look at her father and his giving me a reassuring look. I inhaled deeply.

"I'm in love with your daughter." I said, honestly. Her father looks like he expected that already but her mother just stared at me in disbelief.

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