Chapter XXV

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Seulgi's POV

"Can we borrow the room?" Joohyun said as soon as we entered the Director's office. "Just for a few minutes." She said to her sister that was shocked with Joohyun's sudden outburst.

"Just the two of you? No!" The director said. "What the hell! You're really going to use my room to do nasty things. No! I haven't even done it there with your Taeyeon unnie and your going to--"

"Yaaah! We're just gonna talk! What are you thinking?!" I don't know if I should laugh or not. I didn't know the director this side of her.

"Can you blame me?! You were borrowing it like it's the bed that you were after. Plus! I couldn't help but think like that, Seulgi just came here and confessed her feelings for you earlier. Who knows you'll be up to do naughty things after confessing to ea---"

"Yaaaah! Just open it for me!"

"Why don't you just talk here?"

"We need privacy!"

"See? You're really doing the--"

"Your gonna open it or I'll break it?"

"Then you wouldn't have the privacy that you will need."


"Umm... Excuse--" I started.

"WHAT?!" They both said in unison. I backed out. I saw how the director massage her temple before she start's walking to another door in her office. She unlocked it with her fingerprint.

"Don't take long. The meeting starts in an hour." She opened the door.

"We wont." She entered first. I stopped in front of the Director.

"Can you lock it outside?" I asked that made her laugh. She nodded. "I'll consider that as a yes for helping me. Thank you, Miss Tiffany." I smiled, and followed Joohyun inside. I saw a stairs going down. Now this is a room.! I said as soon I was able to reach to bottom.

"Let's get straight to the point Seulgi." I look at the person who spoke. Straight to the point? Okay!

I walk my way to her. Not letting her block anything anymore. I grabbed her face and kiss her. She didn't move and inch, because of shock. I start moving my lips. Her lips tastes like strawberry. The moment I felt her lips move along with mine, I couldn't help but smile but I think that was my mistake. I shouldn't have stop. She pushed me a little. I can tell she's still in shock, she just stand there. 

"You were right." I said that made her look up to me. "I already knew that I like you, choosing to ignore it will never be an option anymore. I'm sorry if I showed you cowardness the last time we talked. This time..." I caress he face. "I don't care if you like me or not, I'm ready to admit that I'm falling for you Hyun." She swayed my hand away from her. Was I wrong for doing that?

"Is that it, Seulgi?" She asked. Right! "I still have a lot of things to do." I took a step back. Damn it! I nodded at her. She always find a way to avoid it.

"Hmm. Y-you can go back." I'm getting emotional for fuck's sake! I walk away from her and went to the side of the bed. "The director wouldn't mind me staying her for a little longer, right?" I asked as I sat on the floor beside the bed. I didn't my looking up to her anymore, because I don't want to let out my desperation for wanting her to like me back.

After what feels like a minute or two I hear footsteps going up the stairs already. That's when I let my tears feel down. I hug my knees and sob. I was stopped when my phone rang. I calmed myself down before answering it.

"Suho." I said as soon as I answered. My voice a little shaky.

"How--Wait! Are you crying?" I can't help but laugh when his voice sounds worried all of a sudden. "Yah!"

"I was." I said to him.

"Did you two fought because of earlier?" He asked. We haven't talked since that night, he probably think my relationship with Joohyun made some progress already.


"Then why are you crying?"

"This is your fault!" I laugh a little when I said that. "If you didn't hurt me that much, I wouldn't be scared to love again. I wouldn't be scared in loving her from the very beginning."

"Love? Are you saying you're in love with her?" That's when I realized what I just said. "Now that hurt but I'm happy for you." He said.

"You're happy that I'm hurting now?" I asked.


"Tell me, how many times do I have to be rejected to make my feelings for her go away? It's affecting my sanity already, Suho."

"She rejected you?!" I pulled my phone away from my ear. He's too loud.

"I don't know. I actually don't understand her, sometimes I feel like she feels the same but she never really act on it that makes it more confusing. It's frustrating that I still don't want do give up on her."

"Funny how you're taking out you're frustrations about this to your ex boyfriend, who is still in love with you." He laugh, bitterly.


"You were never like this before, Seulgi. I wish you were but I guess this Seulgi is really not meant for me. I don't deserve this type of Seulgi. The way you step up for yourself earlier, I just want to say I'm proud of you. If this is the impact you got from loving her..." This is-- "then love her more." I laugh at that.

"Even though I'm already hurting?"

"With all that you've told me about her, I think she'll be worth it. And I thought you said you won't give up? Then fight for it! Don't just wait for an opportunity, find one, make one. Make a move!" He said "I know you Seulgi, you never force yourself to anybody that doesn't like you. I can tell you, you have your chance Seulgi, maybe she just need a little more push." I just feel my jaw drop with all that he's saying to me now.

"Yah! Who are you? You're not my ex boyfriend!" I said. I heard him laugh from the other line.

"Well, maybe finding someone new can really change us." I can't help but smile hearing that from him.

"Here I thought you said haven't moved on from me yet." I teased.

"Technically, not yet but I'm getting there." I nodded

"I'm happy for you." I said then I remember. "It's not that Alex right?" I really hope it's not, he deserve someone else.

"Nope." I let out a sigh.

"You hate her that much now?

"She was the one who spread the rumor about me being some kind of drug addict in the whole Uni. Can you blame me?" I said.

"Don't think about that Alex anymore. Just think about the woman you said you love, you're more vulnerable and calm thinking about her." He teased. "I have to go now. I'll chat with you next time again Seulgi." I'm glad I have someone to talk to again aside from my family.

Thanks to Suho calling, I was able to divert my thoughts to something else instead of just being emotional on the side again.

I need to go back already. I stand up from where I was sitting and walk my way to the stairs.


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