Chapter XXVII

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Seulgi's POV

We went back to the Director's office and now seated on the couch. God, that was embarrassing! but why does she look like it didn't bother her that her sister caught us. Instead, she looks pissed.

"You said, no naughty things!" Miss Tiffany raised her voice.

"What did you expect us to do? You locked the door. Of course I'll do something, do you see my girlfriend?" She said bluntly. Wait! Girlfriend? I look at her then her sister who is looking at me already.

Miss Tiffany turn her back on us. "The meeting starts minutes from now, go back down and fix yourself, Joohyun. Take a cold shower if needed. You need to cool down before facing them, this is an important meeting." She face us again with her arms crossed already. Joohyun stands up she look at me.

"No! Seulgi stays here." Miss Tiffany quickly said. Hyun glared at her sister. "Move faster Joohyun!" her voice full of authority already. They are really sisters. Joohyun walks back to the room we came from.

"So, Kang Seulgi..." I gulped soon as I heard my full name. "Joohyun's girlfriend, huh? I guess you underestimated yourself, when you asked for my help earlier. It didn't even took you a day and you had her on top of you already, almost half naked." She took her seat. I don't know if she's teasing me or what. I don't know how to react. "You move too fast."

"I'm sorry" I stand up and bow in front of her. I then heard her laugh.

"Don't apologize. I should be thanking you here. You just made my sister rebel against our parents. I thought she'll already do what was asked of her, when she went on a date with Jackson Wang." She released a sigh of relief. "I'm happy she decides to do what she really wants." Did I hear her right?

"Date? With Jackson?" I asked. Miss Tiffany nodded.

"Yes. She went on a date just last week. You didn't know?" I shake my head as an answer.

After hearing that she explains to me that it was just their father's request and tell me not to worry.

"But Seulgi..." Miss Tiffany turned even more serious. "Our family's a mess. It may not seem like it, but it is. Our parents, I don't think they will approve of this relationship you just built." I was really already expecting something, but I didn't think it would be this... I though she was out in the open already. She was proud of it from the first time I met her.

"Do you think she'll choose to listen to them?" I asked nervously.

"She have always listened to them." I nodded, understand. "but I don't think you should worry about anything, Seulgi. Like I said earlier, it's the first time she rebelled against my parents..."

"Should I be happy with that? I don't want to affect her relationship with them. Maybe they just need some convincing." I said.

"We'll aren't you too soft?" She said to me. Is that a compliment? "My sister never complained what was asked of her because it's also what she wants. But once she wants to do something my parents doesn't like, she'll still stand by it. Even our parents know about this side of her. If she wants you in her life, she'll go against anything Seulgi." she have always been viewed as having this strong personality, but I haven't really seen that side of her, except from that scene in the cafeteria. "I hope you are too." I look up to her.

"Tell me Seulgi, are you out?" she asked. I shake my head. I saw how her eyes closed, like she just heard the wrong answer from me.

"But I don't think this things matters to my family." I said that made her look at me again. "We'll yeah it matters because it involves me, but I don't think me being with a girl will be that big of a deal."

"You're confident about it."

"Because I am." I know my family more than anyone. My parents may not always be around but they never lack in anything as parents.

"You're lucky." She smiled. "That explains you positivity earlier, with convincing our parents."

"Sometimes, a simple conversation can fix everything."

"Key word, SOMETIMES." she emphasize the last word to me. I laugh. "I just don't want my sister to end up getting hurt Seulgi. She may look strong, but she's fragile." Aren't we all afraid of being hurt?

"I won't let go of her, that's for sure." she nodded. She sat on her chair. Soon enough, she have this devilish smile already

"Have you been to her house? I mean you just live next door, right?" I nodded. She stare at me like she's reading me, I'm confused. "I guess you haven't seen it yet." Seen what?

"Seulgi, about the your offer earlier? About a free artwork?" Well I guess I should give it. I mean she did lock the door, that made it all happened. but...

"Only if you'll tell me to whom were you giving my paintings." I just need to know. Damn, she spends so much for this person.

"Well, you see--"

"Done!" I look at the direction where the voice came from. She fix her clothes before she look up to us. When our eyes met she smiled. I felt my heart beats faster than usual. She just smiled, right? She went to us. "What did you two talk about while I was down there?"  She sat beside me. When she looks at me I answered.

"I was just asking Miss Tiffany where she's giving the paintings she purchased from me." I notice how her smile went down and she look at her sister. Miss Tiffany suddenly laughed.

"You need to go, they're waiting for you there already." Miss Tiffany said to her, then look at me. "You should go with her." I look at her surprised.

"Me?" I asked.

"Yes. You'll be there on my behalf. I still have to do a lot of things here. I need someone to update me." She said.

"Unnie! I can do that--"

"AH!" Miss Tiffany gestured her to stop. "I want Seulgi to be there. Afterall, this was her idea. It would be much better if she's there. Maybe she can contribute something, since she started this." I understand. I too, want to know how its going.

"Oh okay." I said. I felt a hand hold mine. I face her.

"It's okay if you don't--"

"It's fine. I'll be fine, as long as you're there." I'm nervous but just thinking about her can that that feeling away. I intertwine our hands.

"You're not holding each other's hands when you come out of my office, right?" she pointed at our hands. I smiled.

"We will. Come on, Seulgi!" she drag me.

"Thank you Miss Tiff." I said before we head out.

As soon as we were out of the office, we were met with Miss Tiffany's secretary. When she looks down, seeing our hands together. Joohyun and I look at each other before, letting go. We then heard a chuckle from the secretary, she then went inside the office.

We look at each other again. She smiled. I'm melting.

"It suits you so much." I said to her, her brows furrowed. I pinch her cheeks. "Your smile." I said to her. Next thing I know she walk ahead of me already. I shake my head and just went after her.

Oh thank heavens this worked out!

Rendezvous.  |  SEULRENEWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt