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I Stand there shock no one ever talk to me like that except for my family.

"Oh, by the way thank you for catching me" she said. I glare at her. Then she hop on one of the Expensive car and drove off.
Wow that gir is something. i run back to my car and change my suit , yes i always bring extra just incase
I walk to the cafe to meet my client.

"Sorry Mr. Cruz I'm late" i said
And start discussing or bussines.
Taylor's POV

After that encounter with that arrogant i went to this pet store. Once i open the door a lady around 40's greets me.

"Welcome Mis, iam Maria what can i help? " she said .

"Oh Hi, actually I'm looking for a puppy" I said

"Right this way" following her i saw a room that is full puppies.

"Free to look, just inform me if you like any of this puppies" she said walking back to the desks.
I roam around and stop when i saw this very cute Labrador. I fell in love with so i tell the lady that i want him.
I also buy him a collar, food, bed, toys and everything.

"That would be $360" i hand her my card and swipe.

"There you go" she said handling me the dog and the stuff i buy. "Thank you have a wonderful day" she said before i walk to by car cause she help me to put the stuff.
I wave goodbye and drove off.

I pulled in our drive way and get Cesar , i name my dog cesar.

"Is that a dog?" James ask once i enter the house.

" hello to you to, and Do it looks like a cat? " (note the sacram)

"Hi , tay your early" mom said "and you bought a dog, what's her name" she ask grabbing Cesar off me.

"It's HIM, mom and Cesar is his name."

"Ohhhh, his so cute" mom gush.

"Not as cute us me" jade said smiling.

"You wish , brother"

"So your birthday is coming what do you plan to do? " mom ask as she let cesar down. And seat besides me since we we're in the living room.

" mom since iam turning 20 i was planning to move out, you know have my own apartment" i said looking at her

"If thats what you then why not but promise me to always call and visit us okay."

"Okay mom."

After having dinner last night, James went home cause he already move out years ago to one of our hotel penthouse.
And me i went straight to sleep with Cesar my dog.


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