chapter 54

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"Jade what should i wear?" I ask jade , today is the opening and charity event .and jade will get ready with us.

"Sit!" She ordered i do as i told she fixed my hair first then make-up

"Here, go change" handling me the dress. I change ito it, i don't care if i change infront jade she saw me worse.

"You look amazing tay" jade said.

"Thanks , Your look beautiful too"
I said smiling.

"Mommy how do i look?" Jordan ask entering my room, Chloe is also here and suggest to dress Jordan she wear a Floral dress.

"You look beautiful baby" i said.

"You too mommy" i smile.

"Everyone ready!!?" I think it's jake who shouts from downstairs. We walk downstairs with our boyfriends waiting at the middle. Actually my fiance. Looking great and hot. he eye me up and down smiling.

"You look stunning love" he said . I smile and kiss him on the lips.
Jordan gigging.

"Keep it PG guys there is a kid right here" Jake said. We laugh a little.

"Lets go?" Ask James. We all nod and walk out to the limo that is waiting.
"Thank you so much for all of you who is supporting the charity thank you so much have a great Night" as i end the speech. And walk back to the table where mime and Kyle family seated.

"I'm so proud of you nic" my dad said. I smile iam happy i made them proud.

The event ends 10pm but Jordan falls asleep so mia take her home .

"Nic, lets go , i know your tired" Kyle said as i yawn. I nod and and said our goodbyes. And left .

I change into PJ's and lay next to Kyle. He sleep here sometimes since we will get married. Speaking of that. We plan on getting married in 2 months. Mom and loren is planning for that. Hahaha. .

I feel Kyle kissing my neck making me moan.
"Kyle Jordan is just 1room away" i said.

"Just be quite" he mumble and crash his lips on mine.
We have a little fun before we sleep.
I work up on someone's arms wrapped around me. I smile remembering last Night.

"Morning beautiful" Kyle spoke in his sexy morning voice. I smile and mumble morning kissing his lips.

I take a shower first Then Kyle follows. When we were done changing we walk downstairs i saw Jordan eating her breakfast. I kiss her head.

"Morning mommy, daddy"

" morning" Kyle and i say at the same time making Jordan giggle.
We seat and eat breakfast.

"Mommy can you come with me ?" Jordan ask.

"Where to baby? I ask.

"Photo shoots." She said. Ofcourse i want to see my daughter looking beautiful to the camera. I smile and nods. She smile and continue eating.

"Oh, babe we need to start helping mom and your mom plan about our wedding" i told Kyle. We cant let them do everything.

"What about tomorrow?" He ask. I nod Okay. We walk to the separate cars.
Me and Jordan head to her photo shoot venue. Lee driving us as.
Finally we arrived lee open the door for us i thank him and help Jordan out.

"Theres my cutie" someone called . I look back an saw a woman walking towards us with a smile on her face.
Jordan wave at her.

"Lily!" Jordan greeted hugging her.

"Hi , jord" she look at me.
"Good morning Miss. Paterson" she greets. "Oh im lily Jordans manager" said. I feel guilty ive been busy all this days and don't get to know who is Jordans manager what a mother i am.

"Morning please call me Taylor" i said
She nod. I bend down on Jordans level looking at her
"Baby iam sorry if im not there with you all this days, im ju-" she cuts me off..

"Mom it's Okay aslong as i will always be your little angel that feels your love" i was amused wher did she get that quote. But i smile . And kiss her forehead.
Now im watching Jordan pose for the camera i smile as i look at her.

"She always say she is lucky that you adopted her" someone said from behind, turning around i saw lily smiling with me looking at Jordan.
"She said that she has the best mom," i smile widely on what she said

"Im also lucky i got to know her and be my daughter" i said.. as we continue talk and watch Jordan.

"Thats perfect, your an angel jord" the photographer said .

"I know Luke" she replied and walk to me.
"Mom can we go to the mall?" She ask.
"Ofcourse baby," she smile and jump with joy i look at her smiling." But we should get you change into your own clothes" i said since she is wearing clothes she needs in shoots . She nod and lily help her go change. While i wait outside.

They went back and we say our goodbyes and went to the mall.

As we we're looking for the thing that Jordan needs also wants. When a lady approach us. Looking at Jordan.

"Hello Taylor" she greeted. I look at her .

"Ms. Rita?" I said more like question. Smiles and nod. I give her a hug we're been close she always come to the homes and help taking care those in sick little i know she's a doctor.
She look at Jordan smiling.

"I guess this is the little angel" Jordan nods.
"Wait your the kid i see in billboards, posters and magazine " she said Jordan smile and nods.
"How rude i am, im Rita," Ms. Rita introduced.

"Hi Ms. Rita" Jordan greets.

"Hello, sorry girls but i have to go " she said before she left. Me and Jordan walk around the mall i buy some my self a new iPhone 6 just 6 since 6+ is to big to fit on my pocket, Jordan ask for a bike which i buy for here. I happy Jordan is playing like kids should do not like those who are holding their iPad or iPhones even they are at the park.

"Hi Ms.Paterson" a lady greeted. " I'm Karen, i just want to talk about something" she said.

"About what?" I ask,

"I run a magazine com. So i was thinking if you and Jordan can be this years issue "
"If that's okay" she added.

"We can talk about it in office, here call my PA and schedule anytime your free" i said handling her a call card.

"Okay, nice meeting you Ms. Paterson" she said and walk away.

Jordan and i went home afterwards. I don't want to tire up my daughter.

"Baby go take a nap i will be here if need me" i said. She nod and walk upstairs.
My phone started to ring. KIM.
i forgot to tell her i will not working.

"Hello" as i anwer the phone.

"Why didn't you tell me your not working" she boomed.

"Sorry , i went with Jordan to her photo shoot" i apologize.

"Oh, Okay , BTW you have a meeting Next Tuesday with a magazine owner" she said. I know it's karen.

"Okay" she hang up
I put my phone down but it buzz indicating i have a message.

From, Kyle

Hi. Love hows You and Jordans day?

To, Kyle
It's actually awesome , you?

From, KYLE'S
Stuck with work .

To , Kyle
Want me to come help you?.

From , KYLE
No, Just take a rest see you tomorrow. Love you. Xx :*

To, Kyle.
Okay,. Love you too. :*

I felt me eyes getting heavy so i lay my back down at the couch and falls asleep

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