This is Bullsh*t

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As I sat behind my desk, I re-read the email Pepper Pots had sent me over 100 times. All they need me to do was to keep an eye on Bucky Barnes and assist him any way that I could.

I pushed my short hair back behind my ears, letting out an exasperated sigh.

Here I am, Joey Prince, left my cushy job with New Yorks finest to work with the Avengers. THE Avengers. And its a babysitting detail.

Why me?

Didn't they have countless of fan girls that would want to look after them. What the hell did they have so much security at Stark Tower if not to watch over their heros.

I slammed the laptop shut as I glanced at my watch, quarter past seven. I had to be there at 8:30 sharp to go over the details for the job.

I wish I would have asked more questions instead of jumping at the first opportunity to work with Tony Stark. He had made it seem like I would be taking over as the Director of Security for Stark Towers, not babysitting an alcoholic dead beat.

I wasn't completely heartless, I had asked around to see why Bucky had fallen of the wagon. From what I had been told, 5 years ago, his wife had been brutally murdered in front of him and his step daughter.

Billy Fucking Russo.

Real piece of shit that no one had ever seen again since that fatal day.

Now that his oldest was leaving to college to New York, he was moving back, after living in California for 5 years.

Emily Laufeyson, daughter of Mya Barnes and Loki Laufeyson, how the lucky woman got a God is beyond me. My research showed that Emily had attended Columbia University and still does, studying to be a bio chemist. She left California 2 years ago and has a very strained relationship with Bucky. They hardly speak.

Alessandra Barnes, 4.4 GPA student offered a full ride to Columbia University to study Engineering. Alessandra hardly spoke to her dad or older sister, just kept to herself in her studies. The most she's ever gotten in trouble was one detention in High School for proving a teacher wrong.

Daniel Barnes, 9 years old and sticks to his dad's side. Bucky never drinks in front of Daniel, but Daniel knows his dad is still hurting.

And Bucky Barnes.

Most complicated motherfucker I ever had to get Intel on.

His life has not been easy and blames himself for Mya's death.

When I read the details on her death and all the events that led up to it, my heart ached for those poor kids.

I gave myself a mental shake as I hopped into a quick shower, scrubbing dry rose shampoo into my hair and using the same body scrub.

Turning off the water, I rubbed down my body with a towel as I grabbed some lotion.

After going through my whole morning routine, I slipped on black slacks, putting on my black lace bra, I slipped on a white dress shirt and began to button it.

I combed my hair back so it was somewhat fashionable, not that I was trying to win a beauty contest.

Grabbing my laptop, I slipped it into my back pack with all my other things including my service pistol.

As I walked past the end table, I slipped my phone into my pocket and grabbed my car keys.

I lived downtown, across the street from Central Park. Such a beautiful view but always crazy busy with traffic. I went into the joint parking ramp and unlocked the doors to my Kia. After strapping myself in and checking the mirrors, I backed out and made the drive through traffic to Stark Towers.

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