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I stood outside of Bucky's apartment as I pounded on the door. It was already eight am, and not a single sound to indicate that he was up or that he was going to even open the door.

"Son of a bitch, if I am late getting him to the compound I'm going to..."

"To what?"

I whipped my body around so quickly, I almost spilled the two coffees I had picked up at Starbucks that morning. Something told me Bucky would need one, and that I would really need one. I came face to face with a beautiful woman with auburn hair, draped in a gorgeous red leather jacket.

Holy shit, Wanda Maximoff.

"Um hi, Miss Maximoff, I'm..."

"Buckys babysitter. Yes I know. He was rather thrilled last night when Tony told him. He's not ignoring you, I promise, last night was his first night back to New York since..." her words began to trail off as her eyes got glassy. I quickly intervened choosing my words carefully.

"The incident, yes I know. I just want to get him to the compound on time, I really can't afford to fuck up on my first assignment with Mr.Stark."

Wanda arched her perfectly shaped eyebrow at me in amusement by my choice of words. I instantly regretted being so casual with her.

"Yes, well. You can keep banging on the door like a maniac or I could unlock it since I have a key. Bucky gave it to me last night to pick up Daniel and bring him to his first day of school."

"You mean he's not taking him?"

A pained look flashed across Wanda's face but she quickly hid it with a forced smile.

"No, I don't want Bucky to be late. Besides, I asked him if I could take him. I haven't seen these kids in 5 years and want to spend every second with them."

"So you're like Aunt Wanda?"

I heard her do a sharp inhale and advert her eyes away from me.

"Well let's hurry up before we're both late."

Wanda unlocked the door and walked in, stacks of boxes were all over the place. And there sitting in the kitchen was a small boy, dark curls on top of his head, and a face sprinkled with freckles.

The boys eyes widened with joy when he saw Wanda. He jumped off the stool as he ran over and jumped into her arms.

Something tugged at my heart, seeing such an innocent display but with so much love and emotion.

"You ready to go to school, kiddo?"

"Yes Aunt Wanda. Daddy is still asleep but he told me last night to have a great day today."

Wanda grabbed his backpack as they headed for the door, giving me a small wave on her way out.

"Good luck."

And with that they were gone.

I took a deep breath as I made my way through the apartment. It was very large and spacious, great view of New York City. There were only two bedrooms, the first door belonged to Daniel, so the second one had to be Bucky's.

Surviving Bucky 3Where stories live. Discover now