This is Goodbye

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Frank had been resting most of the day, all the injuries he had sustained from the past couple days really took a lot out of him. I'm sure the sex took a lot out of him as well. 

I took it upon myself to go check on my mom, she had a rough day yesterday and Stephen had put her into a deep sleep to give her mind a break.

I could only imagine what she's going through, Billy Russo had the audacity to play God and he had paid dearly for it. 

Sitting by my mother's bedside, I held her hand in mine, running the pad of my thumb over the top of it. Her chest slowly rising and falling with her breathing, she looked so peaceful.

Until Billy took her peace. 

A small tear escaped the corner of my eye, I quickly wiped it away, letting out a shaky breath. 

Looking up at the ceiling, I tried imagining what it would be like to pray. My father, being a God, never had the need to, and Bucky was never religious. But I felt like this was something I had to do for my mother.  

"I don't know if you're listening.... or who you are.... but please, don't take her from me again. I would give up everything for her to come back safely to us. Danny needs her.... Al needs her.... I need her."

I couldn't stop the rush of tears streaming down my face, I buried my head into the mattress as I just let myself cry. Fear took over my entire body, I don't know what would happen if I lost her a second time. I wouldn't survive it.


Waking up a few hours later, Bucky had shook my shoulder gently.

"Have you been here all day, kiddo?"

He hadn't called me kiddo since I was in high school.

"No, just a few hours."

"Well, if you're okay with it, I can take over so you can grab something to eat."

I nodded my head as I stood up, my knee's creaking from sitting down in the same position. 

Walking out the door, I felt like I should go check on Frank before grabbing any food. He maybe hungry as well. 

Standing outside the door, I saw it was already cracked open. 

Walking in slowly, I saw Frank sitting on the edge of the bed lacing up his shoes,

"Where you heading to, Castle?" The sound of my voice made him jerk his head up. He looked guilty of being caught. The feeling of sadness overwhelmed me when I realized he was trying to sneak out before I got back. 

"Em, will you sit down, please?"

"Nah, that's okay. I can just come back in once you're gone," Turning my back to him as my words dripped like poison, he quickly grabbed my hand and held it firmly.


The pain in my heart began to radiate throughout my entire body. He hadn't even said anything yet, but I already knew it wasn't going to be anything good. 

Following his lead, he walked us back to the bed, sitting down on the edge with me right next to him. His large hand still holding mine, but his eyes never came up to meet mine. 

"I don't know if I ever told you, but you're one of the strongest women I have ever met. Sometimes, it isn't fair, everything you have had to go through and endure, but you just come out stronger each time."

My eyes bore into his dark ones, the tears slowly streaming from my face, and Frank's face twisted in pain. His hand trembled as it came up, wiping away the tear from my cheek. I turned my cheek so it was fully resting in his large hand.

"This is difficult for me because I do care about you, Em. But I carry a lot of baggage. Billy wasn't even the worst one out there. There are worst monsters creeping under the shadows, always looking for a new way to hurt me. But I'd be damned if I let them use you to get to me." 

"I can take care of myself," I said, defiantly lifting my chin, even though I knew he could feel it trembling under his touch. 

"And what about your mom? Bucky? Al? Even Danny? Are you willing to risk them to be with me?"

My face pursued in an ugly way as all the hurt I had been holding in began to escape in sobs. Frank wrapped his arms around my body and pulled me into his lap, my small body molding perfectly with his. My body shook as he gently rocked me, pressing small kisses on my forehead and running his hands up and down my back.

"I know it hurts right now, but you're strong. You'll forget about me one day," his voice dropped with the last few words. 

I lifted my head up and shook it furiously.

"I will NEVER forget you, Frank, no matter how hard I try."

Frank's mouth swooped down and came crashing down on mine, his rough lips moving over mine. I wrapped my hand behind his head, pulling him further into me, my tongue diving into his mouth. Scared that I would forget how he tasted, or how he smelled, or the way he made me feel alive.

Frank pulled his mouth away, pressing one more quick kiss on my forehead. 

"I don't want to ruin what we had last night, because it was fucking perfect. The longer I stay, it is going to make it harder to leave."

I nodded my head, wiping the bottom of my eyes. Frank slowly stood up and helped me till my feet touched the floor. I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to find some sort of comfort that my heart was breaking and I couldn't even be mad at him.

Frank Castle is one of the most fearless, noble men I had ever met in my life. Always putting everyone else first before himself. 

Frank walk towards the door, slipping on his black coat, I could see the muscles twitching on his face. Trying to fight the hurt he was experiencing. 

"Hey Frank."

Lifting his head, he looked over in my direction, his eyes glassy and his lips pressed into a tight line. 

"Don't forget me."

Frank laughed, his gorgeous smile spreading across his face, making the corners of his eyes crinkle. 

"Baby, I couldn't forget you, even if I wanted to." 

Our faces when we say our goodbyes 

Hello babies. I know I know🥺🥺. I am ugly crying right now too! 😭We have two parts left and we will be at the end of Surviving Bucky 3. Thank you so much for reading the trilogy. I wouldn't be anywhere without you guys. You're all the real MVP's. ♥️♥️♥️Please remember to comment and vote!

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