You Had No Right

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I took advantage of the gym they had in Stark Towers. You would think I had checked in at the Four Seasons. Machines scattered around all over the place, a punching bag, a set of weights, a sauna, and a boxing ring. 

After Emily had spoken to Frank Castle, I dropped her back off at her dorm, but not before giving her my phone number. 

"If you need anything, call me."

She was hesitant about taking it but finally changed her mind. I couldn't even imagine what she was going through. It's like everything she had known had been snatched away from her, her safety, her piece of mind. 

But I couldn't get emotionally involved.  I couldn't get in between Bucky and his kids. For whatever reason, he thought he was making the right choice. 

I wrapped my hands in a thick wrap, making sure they were nice and tight before hitting the bag. I didn't want to bruise my hands, but I knew that if I didn't let out all these emotions bubbling up inside of me, they would begin to consume me. 

Seeing the looks on the kids' faces when they realized their dad had been lying to them.

Wiping away the memory of their mom.

Sure, it was horrifying memory, but he had no right to block it out.

I began hitting the bag, trying to focus all my stress on the center of the bag.

Uppercutting it and giving it a swift kick, I could feel the impact it had on my foot, but I ignored it. 

I didn't even realize how 5 minutes had quickly turned into an hour.

Sweat dripping from my face, I grabbed the bottom of my t-shirt and wiped away the sweat from my forehead and eyes.

"Where's Emily?" The cold voice came from across the room, where Bucky stood with an enraged look on his face. 

I scoffed, turning my back to him, I picked up my water bottle and began to head to the locker room. 

"She's safely back at her dorm." Unscrewing the top, I took a large sip. Somehow, I knew this conversation was going to drag on longer than I would want it to.

"Where did you take her?"

"That's none of your business."

Once I entered the locker room, I heard the door burst open behind me as Bucky stomped inside, following closely behind me. I turned around only to have Bucky's nose pressed against mine. He might intimidate everyone else, but he was not going to intimidate me.

"She's my daughter, and I have the right to know!" His breath came out hot, hitting the side of my face. I could feel my anger start to bubble up inside of me, about to boil over. 

"Oh yeah, just like you had the right to wipe away their memories? And then decide to bring it all back? Great parenting, traumatizing your kids a second time in a row."

My eyes widened as I felt Buckys hand wrap around my neck. He pushed me up against the nearest wall, my feet barely touching the ground. I held onto his hand, trying to pull it away, but with the grip of the vibranium, it would not even budge. 

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