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It broke my heart that I could not take away my daughters pain.

Ever since her mother died, Emily wasn't the same. She would drown herself in school and the gym. She had never had a healthy relationship with a boy because of it.

I mean, thank me I haven't had to endure a boyfriend yet, because no man would ever be good enough for my girl.

Stark had wanted to discuss a few things with myself and Thor, I told him I would be in that following morning.

How dare he summon me like some commoner?

Sometimes I forget I have to play nice with these Midgardians for my daughter's sake.

If I could of taken her to Asgard years ago, I would of. The first princess of Asgard. Princess Emily Rose of Asgard. But thanks to her mother, she grew into a good person, and decided to stay with her siblings.

I stood in front of my floor length mirror and took one final glance, of course I always have to look my best when I went down there. Wearing a black suit with a black tie, I sprayed just a hint of the cologne Emily got me for my birthday. Gucci. Matches the suit.

I called for Heimdal as I descended to Midgard.

Landing right outside of the compound.

I dusted off my suit as I walked inside, past two security guards who had their mouths agape.

Stark had told me to meet him on the 3rd floor where they held their meetings and run downs.

Once I entered the room, I stopped at the door. Tony stood in the center of the room speaking to Barnes and a very attractive woman.

I couldn't breathe, my vision went red as my heart began to thump in my chest

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I couldn't breathe, my vision went red as my heart began to thump in my chest.

I hadn't felt an attraction like this since Mya.

I mean, obviously there had been 100's of women. But none had my attention like this one.

I plastered an over enthusiastic smile on my face as I walked up directly to the woman.

" Hello, allow me to introduce myself, I am Loki Laufeyson, God of Mischief."

Holding out my hand for her, she hesitantly took it. Once she did, I brought her soft hand to my lips and kissed it. From the corner of my eye, I saw both Barnes and Stark had an exasperated look on their faces.

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