New Beginning's

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Eight months had gone by, and all the adjustments we had to make were brutal, but we were finally in a somewhat normal spot. My mom had finally come home to Bucky and Danny, Al, and I took every opportunity we could to spend time with her. 

Even though my mom had her days when she was quiet and withdrawn, we gave her space, which she was managing and would always come back to us. 

The hot sun was beating down on my back, my back exposed due to the sun dress I had decided to wear to lunch with my parents. The sun-burnt orange dress hugged my body and draped over my crossed legs, I had finished school, and we were out celebrating my internship. I had been offered a paid internship at Oscorp, working as an analyst for the lab. Of course, I was excited. Who wouldn't be. 

Looking around at my family, we decided to get lunch at this very exclusive restaurant. They sat us outside upon request so the sunlight could fuel our cheerful moods. Across from me sat my dad with his fiance, Joey. Her hair had grown out the last few months and draped over her shoulders. Every time I saw her, she had a huge smile on her face, with my dad right behind her, whispering sweet nothing's into her ear. Or probably something very dirty. 

Did not want to think about that. 

Next to them sat my mom and Bucky, his arm wrapped around her shoulder, gently pressing a kiss on her forehead. She wore this stunning white sundress that made her hair flare up like fire, making her look beautiful and wild. 

Danny was currently at school, and Al had her finals, so I was going solo on this lunch celebration. 

This feeling of ease and calm washed over my body, for once, I was finally at peace. I didn't have to look over my shoulder every few seconds.

No more Billy.

No more bad guys.

Loki made a comment that brought out a giggle from Joey and a snort from my mom. She quickly covered her mouth in embarrassment. Bucky leaned over and playfully punched my dad in his shoulder, causing the entire chair to tip.

Loki quickly stomped his feet down to get balance. A serious look flashed across his face, but he was soon laughing afterward. 

"Em, will you be going with me and your dad back to Asgard?" Joey's smile radiated, I had never seen her so happy. 

"I actually have to go pick up a few more things from the dorm. And then I will head there with Danny and Al."

"Just make sure you hold his hand," my mom said sternly, Bucky wrapped his arm around her, pulling her back towards him.

"He's not a baby."

"He's my baby, James."

"Well, we can always make..."

"Not in this life."

My mom's response warranted a few laughs from everyone at the table.

Once we finished up lunch, I stood up from the table and said my goodbyes. And of course, both Bucky and my dad offered to walk me back to the dorm.

"I'll be fine. It's only 6 blocks. Besides, it's such a beautiful day." 

After I said my goodbyes to everyone and argueing with both my dads about going on my own, I began to walk down the busy street.

I took the opportunity to look at everyone, busy on their phones, in their own little world to look up. My heart fluttered anytime I saw a tall, dark man who had the same built as Frank. It had been eight months since I last saw him, and sometimes I would stand by my window, hoping he was outside looking for me. But I knew deep down, he was gone.

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