Born to The Night

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The next morning, I woke up earlier than normal and surprisingly without a blinding headache.

Groaning, I rolled out of the large, empty bed and walked into my conjoined bathroom. Turning on the shower handle to cold, I stripped out of my pajama bottoms and stepped inside.

The cold water hit my skin like daggers, but it did the trick in waking me up.

"You have a bad habit of almost dying on me," I said softly as I ran the back of my hand over her cheek. Mya grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"You can't get rid of me that easily, Barnes."

I winced at the painful memory of Mya. It had been 5 years since she was taken from me. From us.

But each day that went by still hurt.

I quickly finished up in the shower and stepped out, wrapping a black cotton towel around my waist.

Stepping out into the hallway, I walked towards Danny's room. He had a large poster of outer space hanging on the outside of the door.

Quietly, I stepped inside of his room, his starry night light still going in circles. Stepping over dirty clothes he had scattered across the floor, I shut off his night light and opened the curtain to his window, letting the sunlight stream inside.

It was only 7:30 AM, Wanda would be here in half an hour to pick up Danny.

I looked down at him and smiled.

His perfect brown curls playing on his face, the freckles that covered his cheeks. More and more, he looked just like his mom.

A sharp tug pulled at my heart. His mom was no longer around for him.

When I pushed some of his hair out of his face, he began to stir and wake up.


"Yeah buddy, let's get you up and ready for when aunt Wanda picks you up."

A huge smile spread across his face as he nodded his head. I pressed a kiss on his forehead and got up, walking out of the room.

Just as I closed his door so he could get dressed for school, I heard the front door unlock.

Joey walked in holding two cups of coffee and a spare key in her mouth.

When she saw me standing there, her mouth dropped open, dropping the key right on the floor.

"Good morning," my thick voice rolled over as I glanced at her outfit. Wearing a white button up shirt and black slacks that stopped at the top of her ankles. But I could see a hint, of a black lace bra. She had done something different with her hair, combed it back in a stylish manner.

Her cheeks flamed with red, turning away from me, she set the coffees down and picked up the key.

"I'm so sorry, I should have asked first, but Wanda made me a spare key. Just for days you would be running late. "

"Well I guess I beat you today."

Joey let out a nervous laugh, but not before I caught her honey brown eyes roaming over my body. I couldn't help but smile in pride, licking my bottom lip.

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