Come Back to Us

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I stood there with my mouth agape and my heard thundering in my chest, Stephen Strange was talking but everything was muffled out.

My sole focus was on my mom.

She was alive. 

Pacing back and forth in this dingy dungeon that Strange had thrown her into, she didn't look like herself. More like an evil twin.

Her skin paler than normal, her fiery red hair now a dull color, her once beautiful emerald eyes were now black.

The moment she looked up from her pacing she saw me, her lips curved into a smile, but it was not sweet. It was something much darker. 

"Emily.." she drew my name out, but not in her soft voice. Hard and cold. 


"She's not your mother," Stephen's voice cut through my trance. My mom's head snapped up, glaring in his direction. 

"Yes she is," Bucky cut in, I could tell he was trying to keep his composure. But he had to be ecstatic to see her again. The first love of his life. The mother of his kids. 

"James, I know this is very hard for the both of you. But the magic they used to revive Mya is dark and ancient, I don't think she's still in there," Stephen exclaimed.

I felt the tears start to pool in my eyes, no way could I lose her a second time.

"Is there anything we can do?" My small voice cut through the room.

"Emily, I am telling you that.."I cut Stephen off before he could finish.

"No! I am telling you! Billy took my mother from me, after she saved me a second time! She always put herself at risk for this family! Over and Over and Over again! But she couldn't even rest in peace could she?! Before this sick Fuck came and dug her up and did this to her!" My voice boomed through the room as I stalked over to the cell, pointing at what was once my mother.

The entire room went silent, Loki standing next to Joey, Bucky with his hands in his pockets, fighting back any tears that may spill. Strange looked at the ground and nodded his head. 

"There maybe something we can do. But it's dangerous, your mother may not survive it."

"She's survived worst," Loki spoke up, giving me a small nod in encouragement. I gave him a grateful smile, turning back my attention to my mom.

The imposter twisted her head in an eerie way, her eyes burning into mine. 

"What do we need to do?"



Stephen and Wong strapped Mya down on a heavy, wooden table that had italian writing engraved on it. Mya had an evil smile on her face as she laughed while they tied her down.

My heart was breaking all over again, I didn't want to lose her again.

But I feared I already knew what Stephen would say to me.

That she couldn't be saved.

But I couldn't think that way. 

"Now this may sound silly and a little bit like a cliche, but I need everyone here to hold hands and close the circle. We need to pull the old Mya out, and all of you are going to help me do it," Stephen turned to look at me, holding out his hand towards me. 

Sliding my hand into his, I gave him a tight grip.

Wong grabbed Stephen's other hand with Joey to his left, Loki held onto Joey's hand and Emily's, and Emily held her hand out towards me

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Wong grabbed Stephen's other hand with Joey to his left, Loki held onto Joey's hand and Emily's, and Emily held her hand out towards me.

Her face looked so terrified and hopeful, all at the same time. I gave her a hopeful smile, and squeezed her hand, trying to comfort her even though I was terrified as well. 

Stephen closed his eyes as he began to chant in italian, his voice low and monotone. All we could do was watch as Mya's body went eerily still. As he began to chant faster, Mya's body began to thrash around violently, begging for him to stop.

"He's... he's hurting me.." her voice came out muffled and gurgled, her cries screamed out in a high pitch tone, it was a deafening scream. 

Emily released Bucky and Loki's hand as she covered her ears. A strong force blew past all of them, knocking them all on the ground. 

Mya was practically levitating off the table, but the straps kept her held down. 

"We almost have her! She's almost out!" Stephen yelled as he struggled to stand back up. 

I watched as Joey crawled across the floor and yelled something to Wong, but I couldn't hear her. The pressure in the room had made my eardrums start ringing. 

Wong lifted his hands as he began to draw out a circle with his ring, opening a portal to what looked like my apartment. Joey quickly jumped into the portal and disappeared.

"Mom please! It's us!" Emily screamed at the top of her lungs, she began to cough viciously, the pressure was starting to take its toll. 

"Mya! We're right here!" I yelled, my throat closing up, it was becoming very hard to breathe. 

Suddenly, the pressure in the room was gone, it had all fallen silent. 

Looking up, I saw Joey standing there, holding Danny.

Danny had on his dinosaur pj's and his blue slippers, Wanda must have just put him in bed.

Poor kid looked scared, but he bravely walked towards the table, where Mya was now lying still, her gaze never leaving his. Mya's face looked wet from the sweat collected at her hairline, her lips shook with anticipation that she wanted to say something but she couldn't. 

"Mom?" Danny's voice shook, but he stopped till he was right in front of her. Lifting a shaky hand, Danny reached out and touched his mother's cheek. 

A small tear escaped the corner of Mya's eye, she squeezed them shut as a smile broke out on her face.

"Danny," she said softly. 

A blinding light exploded through out the room, Joey grabbed Danny and covered him defensively, I jumped on top of Emily as did Loki, covering her as well. 

Carefully I peaked out, everyone was looking around confused. 

Holding onto the edge of the table, I lifted myself up. Mya's body went completely still, she looked peaceful. 

I quickly walked around her, grabbing her wrist, I couldn't feel a pulse. 

"Is she..." I lost my words, so much emotion was stopping me from speaking.

Stephen quickly got up and placed his hands on Mya's temples. 

We all held our breath, waiting for him to tell us some good news. 

I can't lose her again, I just can't.

"She's still here, I can't find that ancient presence.  Her body is just now finally resting, it maybe a few days until she wakes up," He turned to look at me, then at Emily, giving us both a grateful smile. 

Emily let out a sharp breath, gasping for breath. Loki grabbed her before she collapsed on the ground crying. But not in pain, something else. 

Loki looked over at me, tears collecting in his eyes as he gave me a nod. 

We got her back.

Our faces when Mya calls out Danny's name.

Hello babies.♥️♥️♥️ If y'all thought this was emotional, you are not ready for the next one. We only have 3 chapters left before the end of the book! And here's an upcoming spoiler, a book starring Frank Castle🌶🥵. This is going to be like something you've never read before. Please remember to comment and vote!😁😁😁 

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