Night's Like This

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I had been very admitant with both of my dad's and Stephen, that I wasn't going anywhere until my mother woke up.

They knew better than to fight me on this. 

Wong was kind enough to give me one of the spare rooms they had upstairs to sleep, I said my goodbye's to Danny. Joey volunteered to drive him home and stay with him, I could tell by the look on her face she was exhausted. But the smile on her face told me she was happy for us, a look I knew all too well. 

Following Wong up the steep stairs, he would turn around a few times, maybe just making sure that I didn't wander off in this creepy house. Once we got to the final door at the end of the hallway, he turned the knob and let the heavy door fall open.

At least the room wasn't as creepy as the rest of the house. Book shelves covered two walls while the other side of the room occupied what looked like a King sized bed with lavish bedding and multiple pillows. 

"Are you hungry? Can I bring you something?"

Biting my lip, contemplating whether or not the request would be too much. 

"Actually there is something..." Leaning over, I whispered into his ear. His face scrunched up in annoyance, I could tell he was about to tell me no but I gave him the best puppy dog eyes I could. 

"Ugh! Fine!" Lifting his hands towards an empty space in the room, he began to create a circle with his ring until golden sparks began to fly circular. Wong stepped into the portal, only being gone for a few seconds before returning.

Carrying Frank Castle into the room, he not-so-gracefully threw his body on the bed.

"Don't tell your father I brought him here!" He shook his index finger at me, he then made his way to the exit and slammed the door shut.

I could no longer hide my grin, walking over to the bed, I saw Frank start to wake up. His face twisting in pain, but once his eyes opened and saw me leaning over him, his rough features softened into a smile.

"Hi," he said weakly.

"Hey," I dragged my fingers over his face, running the pad of my thumb over his bottom lip.

"Where am I?" 

"At Stephen Strange's Manor."

"Maybe I am dreaming, but did an older, asian fellow carry me in here?"

Laughing at his observation, I nodded my head and he squeezed his eyes shut.

"How's your pain?"

"I've been through worst," he stated. 

Something came over me, making my heart hurt, my eyes began to water.I sat on the edge of the bed, just close enough to Frank but not touching him.

"Hey, hey... what's wrong?" calmy, Frank hoisted himself up on his arm, his hand sliding over my thigh.

"This is all my fault... why you're hurt... "

"Hey," his voice called out a little more roughly, getting all my attention. "I don't want you to say that. Everything I have ever done has been for myself, no one else. You are not responsible for my actions."

Looking down at him, I gave him a little forced smile.

"You don't fool me, Castle. I have seen you help people. You've rescued me, not once or twice, but too many times to count."

Frank licked his bottom lip, his eyes eyes wandering over me.

"What was I supposed to do? Let you get your ass handed to you by every bad guy?"

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