I Like to Play with Fire

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Muttering a few curse words under my breath, I grabbed my dark wine colored bath robe, slipping it on my wet body. I pulled my wet hair to the side, absolutely hating how it was dripping on the floor.

I already knew who it was knocking on my door.

Rolling my eyes, I opened the door as Bucky came stomping inside. His face was red and thundering with anger. I had to play this by ear and seem what he was upset about.

"Hey dad."

I closed the door behind him, silently praying for a black hole to swallow me up and spit me out on the other side of the galaxy.

"Who was that boy that just left?"

"A study buddy. "

"So why was he calling you a crazy bitch?"

"Cause I am one. "

"Cut the shit Emily. "

"What do you want me to say , dad? That I just hooked up with someone? That I'll be 21 tomorrow and I no longer have to call you and inform you of every little fucking thing going on in my life?"

"Emily, I didn't come here to fight with you. "

" Yes you did. And I don't know why, Al and Danny need you. Maybe not so much Al since she got early acceptance here. But Danny still does. So maybe stop drinking every night, like that Danny can have his dad and not a dead beat alcoholic."

The crack in the air was so loud from Buckys hand slapping me across the face. My stance never faltered, I slowly looked back up at him with my eyes tearing up.

Horror dawned on Buckys face when he saw what he had just done. I knew we had our differences,  but I never in a million years would have thought that he would hit me.

"Emily... I'm so sorry. "

"Get out. "

Bucky was about to protest when every ounce of reason escaped my body.


Bucky had a scowl on his face, walking over to the door, he left, but not before he slammed the door shut.

The sound of the for slamming made me jump. I covered my face with my hands as I let out a frustrating scream.

My mom would be so ashamed of us.

I wiped away at my tears angrily, letting out all my pent up frustration through my ugly crying.

After calming down a bit, I grabbed an ice pack from my mini fridge and pressed it against my cheek.

My gaze snapped up when I heard a small tap at the door.

Great, more fucking visitors.

I got up from my armchair, walking over slowly and cracking the door open.

A large man with a dark hoodie covering his face stood outside my door.

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