Help Me Let You Go

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Did you ever feel like you had landed flat on your back after falling from a fifteen story building only to be run over by a cement truck?

That's how I felt right now. 

The bright light that seeped into the room from the open windows was very welcoming. I could smell the fresh air from the rain, the sound of the busy street.

I felt a smile spread across my face, I was home. 

Slowly opening my eyes, I felt a heavy pressure holding onto my right leg. Looking down, I saw soft brown, curly mess and a very sleepy Danny. 

I could cry right now, but the last thing I wanted to do was wake him. Creeping my hand up slowly, I touched his soft hair. A flashback rocked me to my core, holding him as a baby, and Bucky holding the both of us while I breast fed him.

"He looks just like you," I whispered softly, afraid I might disrupt his heavy feeding.

"Yeah? Well he's perfect just like you."

My gurgled cry came out abruptly, I covered my mouth but it was already too late. Danny had woken up. 

His beautiful brown eyes sparkled when he saw me, even if I looked a mess with fresh tears in my eyes.


The next few seconds were a blur, Danny lunged at me, wrapping his arms around my neck and gripping me, as if any second I would go away again. The tears began to spill from my eyes, rubbing his back and placing kisses on his head. 

"Mommy, why did you go away?" His voice was muffled against my shirt. I had no answer for me.

"Hey buddy," Bucky's deep voice cut through Danny and mine's private moment. I looked over at the open door, Bucky's hair had grown out, pulled back into a man bun. The dark bags under his eyes and pale look on his face tells me that he's had a rough few days. But he was still the most gorgeous man I had ever seen. 

"Dad! Mom's awake!" Danny jumped up from the bed, almost immediately I was missing his presence. Danny wrapped his arms around Bucky's waist, giving his father a very happy hug.

Bucky returned the hug, bending over so he could be at eye level with Danny.

"Wong is downstairs making you breakfast. How about you go downstairs and eat, and when you're done you can bring your mom some breakfast too."

Danny nodded eagerly, running out of the room, but quickly turning back around.

"I'll be back mom! Don't go anywhere!"

Then he was gone.

My mouth had finally gone dry, the lump I had in my throat had gotten ten times worst

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My mouth had finally gone dry, the lump I had in my throat had gotten ten times worst. 

Bucky picked up on my cue and slowly closed the door. Walking around the bed to my side, he sat down on the edge, collecting my hands with his. He brought them up to his lips and pressed a warm kiss on my hand.

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