Monster Come Out to Play

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The blood in my body ran cold, I had imagined this day, dreamed of this day, and now that it was here, I was petrified.

And all I wanted was Frank.

Oh God, Frank.

I would never see him again.

"Don't look so scared, Emily," Billy stood up from the chair as he walked over towards me, his large body looming over me like the goddamn grim reaper.

His hand came up and pushed a strand of hair away from my face, the touch of his cold fingers made me gasp. A small smile spread across his lips, his almost black eyes burning into mine.

"You've grown into such a beautiful woman, everyday you look more and more like your mom."

That was the breaking point, my face set in anger , I rolled up my fist and hit him right in the nose, watching his head snap back for only a brief second.

Billy looked down at me with amusement as he held his bloody nose, looking at me with a wide grin smile.

"God, you hit like your mom too."

"Don't you dare talk about my mom!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, grabbing my lamp. I hurled it at his head. He managed to duck out of the way as the lamp hit my window, shattering it to millions of pieces.

Billy dove as he wrapped his hands around my shoulders and pushed me to the ground, pinning me down with one of his knee's. I screamed out in pain from the weight of his body crushing down on my thigh. Quickly reacting, I lifted my knee and hit him right in the balls.

I watched as his face twisted in pain and he fell over, just as I got up to run out of my dorm room, a small figure stepped into my dorm, dressed from head to toe in dark red leather and a black mask that covered their face. But that's not what had stopped me, it was the large blade of their katana sword pointing right at me.

Taking 3 steps back, Billy bounced off the ground and wrapped his arms around my body, holding my hands to my chest so tightly that I wouldn't be able to get away. I felt his heavy breathing right next to my ear, his body brushing up heavily on mine, making me want to puke in disgust.

"Don't be scared Emily. As long as you come with us, they won't hurt you," Billy whispered in my ear, his lips pressed up against my temple and his hand traveling up my legs.

"No! No! Let me go!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, hoping, that someone might hear me. That's when I felt his cold hand pressed up my woman hood.

"No panties, huh? So who was here?" Billy chuckled, nuzzling his face in my hair.

"I was, asshole," Billy and the masked figure, turned around to see Frank standing in the doorway with two very large guns.

"Frank fucking Castle, fuck you're worst than a cockroach!" Billy lifted his gun as he shot in Frank's direction, still holding onto me as a shield.

"Frank!" I screamed out, the last thing I saw was Frank start shooting at the masked killer, but they moved so quickly, they managed to divert every bullet. Billy lunged us out of the broken window, landing on the cement sidewalk with a thud. Billy took little to no effort to lift me over his shoulder as he began to run through the midnight sky.

"Let me go!" I tried so desperately to keep the tee-shirt held down so no one would be able to see I was naked underneath. But he had such a tight grip on me, I could barley move. As Billy ran out into the street, a black Cadillac SUV pulled up in front of us and Billy opened the door, throwing me in.

This couldn't be happening again.

Not again!

I quickly scurried across the leather seats as I attempted to open the door, but Billy grab onto my ankle and pulled me back towards him. I screamed out a warrior like cry as I hit him once, then twice right on the nose. Billy screamed out in pain, but that didn't stop him from grabbing a wad of my shirt and pulling me up so I was face to face with him. His large fist was the last thing I saw when he knocked me out cold.


Sitting on the chair as my foot bounced off the ground from all the anger and frustration running through my body.

I couldn't save her.

I didn't save her.

The body tied up in the chair began to shake aggressively, tied up with cable cords I had ripped from the wall, they tried so hard to escape.

But I wouldn't let them.

I stared at the screen of my phone, the last text message I had sent Bucky Barnes was the location of where to find me, right in Emily's dorm.

It wouldn't be long before he arrived, probably with a gun on hand ready to blow my brains out.

I don't blame him.

I bring too much pain to those I meet.

Emily deserved better.

I tried a few times talking to the masked figure, but they wouldn't speak. I was finally able to break two of their fingers to pin them down, but they didn't even flinch.

Everytime I attempted to take off the fucking mask, they would get violent.

Better to wait for when Bucky arrived, no doubt he would have that eye candy by his side.

An hour went by when I heard heavy footsteps running down the hallway, stopping right outside of Emily's dorm. The door burst open as Bucky came running in, holding his gun in a defensive position, following closely behind him was Loki and Joey. Loki wasn't displaying any weapon but Joey held a small service pistol.

How cute.

"Hi Barnes," my gruff voice rumbled out as I stood up, only to be met by the butt of the gun cracking over my nose.

"Where's Emily?!" Bucky yelled, pushing me back to my seat.

"I swear If anything has happened to her," Loki pushed through Bucky and grabbed me by the collar.

Joey pushed past the both of them, turning around to get their attention.

"Maybe if you guys give him 5 seconds, he can tell us. I don't think he did anything to Em."

Thank God for the eye candy.

Putting my hands up in surrender, I slowly got up from the chair, licking my lips, ready to deliver the bad news.

"Billy Russo took her."

The air in the room quickly disappeared when Loki dropped to his knee's, holding his chest. Bucky gasped out loud, as he clenched the gun in his hand, squeezing it. Shaking his head, he lifted the gun back up and pressed it against my temple.

"Bucky!" Joey shouted, but Loki wrapped his arms around her and held her back.

"Shut up!" Bucky yelled, turning his focus back on me.

"I tried to stop him, but this asshole stopped me before I could get to them."

Bucky turned his direction to the masked figure, sitting there quietly.

"Who are you?" Bucky hissed under his breath. Lifting his gun, he pointed it in the direction of the assailant.

"It's no use, he doesn't speak," I uttered under my breath.

"Then we will bloody make him talk!" Loki lurched forward as he grabbed the side of the mask, putting all of his Godly strength to pull it off. As Loki grit his teeth, he let out a gurgled cry watching the mask tear in two.

Red lock's of hair fell out of the mask and the room went still.

"No fucking way..." I got up, taking my place next to Joey, bewilderment on both of our faces.

It was a fucking ghost.


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