Chapter 26: Damn Delusions

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"I WARNED YOU, YOU STUPID CLOCK!" Y/N shouted at the corpse of Za Clocku.

After waking, Y/N immediately noticed 2 things. The first: He had a really bad feeling about today.

Then he noticed he woke up in an alley.

"Well this brings back memories."

"We met like this, didn't we?" Ophis appeared next to him.

"I mean, I was woken up by a mugging then but otherwise yeah." Y/N replied. "Anyway, do you remember what happened last night?"

"We fell asleep at home...I think?"

"Okaaay? That has bad news written all over it." Y/N rose to his feet and dusted himself off. "C'mon, let's see if we can't track down Koneko."

Stepping out of the alley, Y/N immediately noticed that in place of the school was a massive palace with Issei's face on it.

"We live in an ACTUAL NIGHTMARE!"

//Inner Sanctum of Sin//

"Oh Issei! You're so manly!"

"My lord! Please fill me with your seed!"

Issei laughed maniacally, dressed in an outfit befitting royalty. "Don't worry ladies, I have more than enough for all of you-"


Kiba burst through the doors wearing a butler outfit. "MY LORD! AN INTRUDER IS IN THE CASTLE!"

"Seriously? Now of all times?" Issei groaned. "Give me a minute ladies. Got to deal with a pest."

"OI JACKASS!" Y/N pushed past Kiba before spreading his arms and spinning in a circle. "What the hell is this!?"

"So you are the intruder? Don't look like much."

"Hah!? Who do you think you're talking to Ise-chan!? I'm gonna kill ya!"

"Don't speak as if you know me, peasant!" Issei shouted as his gear appeared on his arm. "As punishment for the crime of breaking and entering, I will mount your head on my wall-"


Issei was interrupted by Y/N's fist. He flew back and rolled across the marble floors of his inner sanctum.

"Kyaa! Issei-sama!" The random girls shouted.

"You're such a disappointment!" Y/N shouted at Issei who was recovering on the ground. "I have no clue what happened, but this is just sad. What happened to Asia? You'd think she'd atleast be here in some way, but I tore through your whole castle and found no trace of her!"

"A-Asia...?" Issei parroted.

"Tch, this was a waste of time." Y/N scoffed and turned away, leaving Issei on the ground.

"Issei-sama! Are you harmed?" Kiba knelt next to Issei.

"I'm fine...that guy seems familiar...fuck, where'd I meet him?"


"Damn it! What the hell is going on!?" Y/N angrily punched the closest wall.

"I believe, I have a good idea." Ophis crossed her arms. "Baka Red."

"Wait, that guy?" Y/N tilted his head in confusion.

"Both Kiba and Issei, had no recollection of you. Baka Red has the ability, to make dreams come true." Ophis explained. "But anything that doesn't fit into that dream, is forgotten, buried deep in one's mind."

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