KaiNatsu #3

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[This is when they're out for a date on Sat]

"Hey, cutie, wanna hang out w us?" Natsume cowered in the corner as he tried to stopped the thugs that was surrounding him from coming close, "A-Ano...am waiting for someone alr so..."
"Maa maa, just hang out w us for a bit dakara~na?" One of the guy urged, holding on Natsume's arm, attempting on pulling the shorter guy who is about to cry out of fear into his arms before he feel someone tapped on his shoulder, "Huh---!"
A punch was sent immediately to his cheek, causing the guy to fall down on the ground as Kaito cracked his fingers, "...Didnt anyone taught you to not put your dirty hands on someone's boyfriend, you piece of shit?"
"Kono kuso gaki!" The guy stand up and attempt to hit Kaito back, only being kicked on the ball by the blacknette who watched him went down on the ground once again as that guy's friends looks at Kaito in disbelief, debating whether take their stance to fight back or not.
Just as Kaito abt to hit the guy that touched Natsume earlier once again, he was hold back by Natsume who dragged him away from the spot, "Kaito, matte! Mou ii kara, ikou!"
Looking back & forth between Natsume and that guy who is still in pain, Kaito heaved a sighs as he wrapped his arms around Natsume, taking him away from there while mumbling something under his breath, 'We must kill the germ now...'
A bright smile was shows, "Nandemonai yo, Natsume~ikou~"

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