Scenarios: Cold Day (1st Group of CP)

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【How will our cp get warm during rainy or extremely cold day】

MikaHaku: R18 Ver
Sound of someone moaned followed by a low groan was heard before the room is filled by the breathing sound of the two person on the bed.
Mikage chuckled and lean down, kissing Haku's lips again & again as he started to move his hips again, feeling Haku getting hard again inside him.
"M-Matte, Mikage---!"
"Uh huh, I wouldnt take no as answer," Mikage heaved a satisfied sighs as he started to bounce up & down on top of the taller male, leaking out the delicious moan that sound like high quality music to Haku's ears, "H-Haku~~~ ungh ~ oh gosh...I really love it when your dck reached the deepest part of me, ah ~"
"...Goddamnit..." Haku cursed and he pushed the chuckling Mikage down on the mattress, once again indulging in his taste.
As Mikage were feeling hot & bothered on the sheet, the cold & harsh typhoon weather had long forgotten by him when the reason they were both on the bed was just to cuddle for warmth.

MikaHaku: Normal Ver
Haku shiver in cold as he tugged his hands into his jacket, walk faster before he reach a metal door behind the alley and get inside the room, only being shocked by the coldness inside it, "What the?!"
"Oh, Haku kun, ohayo~" Aoi greeted the younger male as she smiled apologetically, "Gomen na, the room is kinda too cold deshou? But Mika wouldn't budge on getting the a/c off and on the warmer dayo ne~"
"S-Sou desuka..." Noticing Aoi's anticipation in the deep of her gentle deep blue eyes, Haku nodded, "Wakarimashita, I'll go and asks him to."
+++ Inside Mikage's office +++
"Hm?" Tear his eyes off from the dark sky, he looks toward his office door and saw Haku stand there, "Oh, Haku~Doushita?"
He walked near him and hugged the taller male, only being shocked by the coldness of his usual warm body, "Samui?! Nande??"
"Who tf turn the a/c on?! Off it off it! Koku, turn on the warmer now, quick!"
Heard the order from their leader, Aoi and the others immediately do as he said with the same thought inside their mind, "_Haku, arigatou!!!_"
Looking at Mikage who take another blanket and draped over him, Haku could only chuckled and this make Mikage look toward him, "Doushita?"
"Iiya, nandemonai."

"Get off of me."
Kanata sighs as he tried for the nth time of taking Minato off of him before he said in frustation, "It's hot enough so get off of me!"
"No~" Minato whined and cling onto Kanata even more, leaving the male sighs in defeat.
"Fine fine, just do what you want already, am tired asf."
Hearing the defeated tone, Minato raised a small victorious smile before he let go of Kanata, only enough for him to look down on him, "What?"
Earning no respond from the Alpha, Kanata get slightly concerned and was abt to touch his forehead when his lips is suddenly captured into a passionate tongue battle, "Unrgh!"
As they're using their tongue to trace the inside of each other's mouth, Kanata suddenly feel familiar electric current of pleasure run through his whole body when Minato caress the roof of his mouth, "ungh...ungh~"
Satisfied, Minato finally let go of the poor male who almost fainted due to lack of air with a smug smile before he was kicked off the sofa by his Omega once again.

As Tatsumi scroll through his phone, sudden thunder startled him as he jumped slightly from his seat. Looking out from the glass sliding door at the veranda, heavy rain had poured down and he looks up at the clock, "Did Kosuke bring his umbrella again...?"
As if on cue, sound of door opened was heard followed by Kosuke's voice, "Tadaima~"
"Okaeri," Tatsumi replied and take a towel nearby the pile of clothes that he had just done making earlier, as he walk toward Kosuke who stand on the entrance w water droplets over his head, "I knew it."
"Gomen, forgot my umbrella."
"Mou~" Tatsumi sighs and tip toe to wipe the water off Kosuke's head, "Dakara I told you to just put it inside your bag dazou."
"Hehe," Kosuke smiled and watching that sight, Tatsumi lean near and left a short kiss on his lips, surprising Kosuke, "Eh?"
"...Okaeri no kiss..."
".........can we do it now?"

"Uwah~the rain poured so heavily," Erika said and she noticed Suzu who seem to be down about something, "Doushita no, Suzu chan?"
"N-Nanka gomen ne, Eri chan..." Suzu apologized in teary eyes, "I-If not for me who need to be held back because of supplement classes, you wouldn't be staying till this late na no ni..."
Soft pats was feel on top of her head as she looks up toward Erika who smiled, "Eri chan...! Uwawawa! N-Nani?!"
Done ruffling Suzu's soft long hair, Erika turned to cupped her face, making her facing her, "No need to say sorry na, sore ni, I get to see Suzu chan when she's immersed in studying dakara, meccha ureshii yo~"
"Hontou~" Erika take out her umbrella as she opened it, stepped out under the rain and reached her hand toward the short blacknette, "Since it seem it will rain longer, shall we go and have a short date on the cafe? I've found one cafe that served Suzu chan's favorite milk tea flavor pudding dayo, shikamo it's big size, dou?"
Looking at the outreach hand and smiling face of Erika, Suzu nodded back w a smile of hers as she hold onto her hand, "Hn, iku!"

"L~E~O~N~!!!" Hearing his name, Leon turned around but only being tackled down on the snow ground by the blacknette, "Ritsu! Stop doing that, what if you get hurt or something?!"
"Ahahaha, datte it's fun dayo!" Ritsu laughed as she let Leon picked her up and pat the snow off her body, "Ne ne Leon, you know the other day I found this one cave that emitted some sort of weird feeling dayo! Should we go and explore it?!"
"...Did you forgot when we did it last time on the other cave, we ended up almost being killed by the floor boss?"
"T-that's an accident! Sore ni," Ritsu hold on Leon's face, looking straight on his mesmerizing purple eyes, "No matter where I go or what I do, Leon will stay with me deshou~"
Blush burned across the red head's face as he looks away from Ritsu, holding on to her hand, "That's because you're so clumsy that I cant keep my eyes away from you."
"Am not that clumsy tho!"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever you said~" Leon look at her with a small smirk, "De, which way is the cave?"
"That way!" Leading the way while holding hands with Leon, Ritsu started to tell him about her day when she went out with Sol to the town earlier which in truth, the cave was just a reason for Ritsu to hold hand longer with Leon on winter because the male despise cold to the depth of his bone.
Of course, she wouldn't never admit that to him though.

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