IanLu #6

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+++++++IanLuc++++++++"... ..." looking at the withering red roses by the windows, Ludrick picked one of it off of its stem, twirling it between his fingers, "...Ian..."No answer as he glanced toward the old male that was still sleeping by the bed, "...how should I...stop you from aging and leave me..."'Indeed, Vampire & Human have differentt lifespan,' Ian shut the book on his hands as he put it back onto the empty space on the bookshelves, 'But I dont wanna be a vampire, Ludrick.''Why, Ian?' Ludrick stand up from his seat as he went near the male, gripping on his shoulder with teary eyes, 'Ian, you will die of old age any time soon! Are you telling me to live by my own for decade after you're gone!?'Holding on the vampire's cold and young hand by his shoulder with his own wrinkled and hot one, Ian smiled toward his lover, 'You wouldn't, Ludrick, trust me. Decades is enough for you to forgot about me and find someone else to replace me beside you.'Tears dropped down on the sheet as Ludrick hold onto Ian's hands tightly yet softly, murmuring under his breath, "As if...I can do so...you're the one that taught me how to love someone...and the joy to be accept by someone wholely...I wouldn't be able to find other person to replace you..."Lifted his face up abit, Ludrick look at the wrist in front of him. Hesitation was all over his pale face as he recalled back the long lost legend that was told by his mother during his young age.Sitting on his mother's laps, Ludrick asks in curiousity as he run his finger over the weird looking stigma by her wrist, "Mother, what is this mark?""It's the mark of soul," The white haired women smiled as her usual cold expression soften on the sight of the mark, "It was given by your father to me.""...the mark of soul?""Indeed," Mdm Seraph lean her forehead with Ludrick's as she rubbed the tip of their noses together, indulging herself within the clear and happy chuckling from her firstborn, "This mark enabled you to find each other back no matter how many lives had transcend.""So if you found someone who you truly love, gift them this mark. Got it, Ludrick?""Hn!""... ..." Caress the wrinkled surface of Ian's wrist, Ludrick closed his eyes slowly as he lean down and make his decision, biting on the surface of it as faint dark purple light shine around Ian for a second. Back off from it, Ludrick look at the mark of 2 Spider Lily interwined with each other on Ian's wrist satisfiedly as he mumbled while looking at Ian lovingly, "Ian, I swear I will find you no matter how long it takes..."++++++++++++++++END?++++++++++++++++

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