MikaHaku #3

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+++ +++ MikaHaku's Vampire AU +++ +++
Sound of slurping was accompanied by the smell of metalic blood around the chapel as Mikage stepped inside it under the help of moonlight, '...God, just how many of the villager die in here?'
As he walked closer, he noticed the shadow that was holding a woman's body in his arms had stopped his movement of eating as he look toward him with his dark purple orbs shined in the dark, shocked Mikage, 'Holy shit, t-that eyes!'
Before he could make any movement, he had been tackled down on the hard glass stone floor, knocking his head hard on it, "Fuck...that hurt, you idiot vampire---!"
Using his only weapon, a silver gun, he shoved it sideway on the vampire's open mouth in an instant, trying to overpower him but he know it's just a matter of time, aside from the fact that vampire & human have different body spec, but also caused of the blood that flow from the back of his head.
Mikage gritted on his teeth and as his vision grew dizzy, his strength had grew weaker too. Feeling the cold breath of the vampire getting near his neck, he could only sighs internally, 'Goddamn, shouldn't had taken this job just for those few dollars...'
+++ +++ +++
Woke up by the throbbing pain on the back of his head, Mikage opened his eyes and only met with unfamiliar surrounding, "Where the fuck..."
"Awake?" Low bass voice asked and he immediately take his stance of protecting self, only surprised to see a tall pale male who seem...younger than him? "I bought you some water and food, you can eat it if you want."
Being lured by the smell, Mikage's  stomach let out a loud grumble as he look away in embarassment, "T-Thank you..."
The male nodded and sit down on the only chair in the room after putting down the tray of food on top of the bed, continuing on his book.
"...May I ask...who are you?"
The male's black eyes glanced toward him, closing the book as he put it aside, looking properly at Mikage for the first time at the night.
The male in front of him seem older than him by appearance, probably around 20  however for someone around that age, he's too slim and small compared to him. He wasn't surprise because the economy around this area is down bad ever since the new lord reigned over it but even if that so, as a vampire, he never let anyone near him except for food, so why is he letting him stay alive?
"Pardon," He smiled, aware of the blush across the short male's face, "I'm Haku, just Haku. May I have the pleasure on knowing yours?"
"Mikage, just Mikage,"
"Mikage...I see," Haku walked near the blacknette as he climbed up the bed, sit down beside him, "As for your question earlier, I'm the vampire that you planned on killing earlier."
"!" Hearing the answer, Mikage instinctively raised his fist toward him but a sudden dizziness attack him as he plopped back on the bed, unaware of the smirk on Haku's face as the pale male reached out his fingers, touching the stigma on the side of Mikage's neck, "...and your new master, yoroshiku ne, Mikage~"
++++ ++++ ++++ TBC?

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