KoTatsu #4

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Lying on the bean bag by the living, Tatsumi heaved a sighs as he glanced at the clock, "...I missed Kosuke already..."
Today is the off day that the blonde had been waiting for such a long time however, his lovely boyfriend was at the office, working as usual.
"Doushiyou~~~" Tatsumi whined in boredom before he noticed Kosuke's leftover jacket on the nearby sofa, "... ..."
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"Yabaii..." Kosuke heaved a sighs as he climb up the staircase toward the apartment, "I forgot my jacket, moreover today's weather forecast stated that it's gonna be so damn cold..."
Reached in front of the door, he inserted the key and entered the room before a faint moan stopped him in his track, "...? Are?"
He walked silently into the house, noticed that the sound is from the bedroom, "Tatsumi...?"
What he saw certainly wasnt what he expected to: Tatsumi was sniffing his jacket while thrusting the dildo inside him, moaning without any care. Tears stained his face and he bit on his lips when his body shiver from the high of reaching the climax.
As Tatsumi catching his breath, he saw Kosuke standing by the door, crossing his arms on his chest with a smirk, "K-Kosuke?! W-Why are you?!"
"Iiya~you could've told me if you're feeling lonely dayo, instead of doing it yourself na, Tatsumi~" Kosuke chuckled as he unloose his necktie, walking near his uke. Kosuke climbed up the bed, caging Tatsumi as he take the jacket away and throw it away, "De, am sure you can still go for another round deshou~"
"E-Etto, h-how bout your work...?"
"Work can wait," Kosuke smirks and he let a breath beside Tatsumi's ear, watch the blonde's body shiver in delight, "...I wanna do you now..."
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