ShouAka #1

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Shouya(Beta) x Akana(Beta):

Spinning his pen on his hands, Shouya looks at his small test paper in a frown, '... ...I dont get any of these... ...'
Nodded his head in determination, the brunette male put his paper aside and decided to take a nap on the table.
Standing in front of Miss Miyamoto, Shouya could only chuckled awkwardly as the older woman shows him his clean small test paper, "Mind to explain on why aren't you answering any of it, Shouya kun?"
"Etto..." Gulped once under the strict gaze from the teacher, Shouya shook his head, "...Arimasen..."
"Mattaku, I know you dont like to study but I didnt expect to be till this extent." Miss Miyamoto sighs extravagantly before their conversation was interrupted by a deep voice, "Sumimasen, sensei. I had collected the workbook you asked for earlier desu."
"Arigatou, Akana kun~"
The blacknette nodded his head before he walked past Shouya and a small sniff of the male's smell immediately had Shouya's radar alerting non-stop, '...APPLE?!'
Pointing at the male, Shouya smiled brightly as he continued, "If you let me pair up with him during classes, I promise I will study earnestly!"
"... ..."
"... ..."
"Dou desu ka?!" Shouya inched near Miss Miyamoto as the older women was still in confused on his sudden esthustiasm on study, "A-Akana kun, are you fine with it?"
"... ..." The blacknette tapped his chin in silent before he shrugged his shoulder, "Betsu ni ii kedo."
"J-Jya, tanomu."
Small run toward the taller male, Shouya grabbed on his hands with stars shined inside his eyes, "YOROSHIKUONEGAISHIMASU!"
"...H-Hai..." Blinking his eyes in confusion, Akana could only thought of this in silent, '...Nanda, koitsu?'

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