Chapter Forty-Eight: The Night [AU]

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Deep in darkness slumber

Endless sleep

Nothing moves inside my funeral suite

I feel the sun slip down as hunger strikes

Waking like being born

Here comes the night

Abby Scuito stretched her arms out to the side, fighting back a yawn. It was a couple minutes till sunset, but nothing was moving inside her lab, as if it was in endless sleep. In a way, both her apartment and lab were her own funeral suite.

The elevator doors outside Labby dinged open and Timothy McGee strode in. "Hi, Abbs. You doing anything tonight?"

She glanced briefly out the window to see shadows lengthening. Abby could feel the sun slipping down as a wave of hunger struck. The Goth was waking like being born as night came on.

All my senses awakened

By little demons

Taste the human heartbeat



Immediately all her senses were heightened. Abby was distracted from answering Tim's question by the sound of his heartbeat. She could feel her canines lengthening to form fangs at the thought of tasting that bittersweet heartbeat.

"Abby!" McGee said sharply.

The concern in his voice made her struggle to control herself. When her canines resumed their normal shape, Abby finally answered him. "I'm actually not planning on anything tonight, McGee. Why—did you have something in mind?" She smiled flirtatiously at him.

"We could take a walk," he suggested.

"Sounds good to me." Abby linked her arm through his. "Let's go."

It don't take long

To get back in the groove

Sharpen up your attitude

Get down with the moves

Don't look no stranger

In the eye

Walk across some trouble baby

Just walk on by

Five minutes later, the two of them were out walking the dark streets around the Navy Yard. It didn't take long for the vampire to get back in the groove.

Abby stiffened when she saw a group of people she didn't know milling around nearby. If she sharpened up her attitude, got down with the moves . . .

"Don't look them in the eye," Tim advised. "Just walk on by."

The vamp proceeded to do just that when one of the guys in the group wolf-whistled at her. Not caring about the consequences, she whirled around angrily so she was facing them, fangs fully extended. The group scampered away.

Tim looked at her. "What was all that about?"

No tomorrow—take it right now

In the night I walk alone

In the night is where I belong

Take my flesh—I'll give you my soul

Hungry night keeps driving me on

"Timmy, he wolf-whistled at me. You know I hate it when people do that. Besides, I'm with you." She'd give him her soul if he took her flesh at the moment. The hungry night kept driving her on. After all, she was a creature of the night.

Neon concrete jungle

Devour the weak the humble

Hear the city nocturne

Makes you burn

"Uh, yeah, right," McGee said, continuing their awkward conversation. Abby didn't hear him; she had taken a deep breath and was savoring the smells of the neon concrete jungle that was Washington, D.C. devoured the weak, the humble.

Oh slip on into darkness

Sharpen up your awareness

Get your seven senses working tonight

No tomorrow—take it right now

She suddenly felt restless. "Race you, McGee," she said, taking off.

"Wait up!" he cried as he chased after her.

It would have been so easy to slip on into the darkness, but Abby didn't. Running through the night, however, sharpened up her awareness, had her seven senses working overtime.

In the night I walk alone

In the night—that's where I belong

Take my flesh—I'll give you my soul

Hungry night keeps driving me on

Usually Abby walked alone in the night. It was where she belonged, but occasionally she liked having company—usually in the form of McGee. She easily outdistanced the field agent, but encouraged him anyway. The night just kept driving her on—and right now she was very hungry . . .

No tomorrow—I take it right now

In the night I walk alone

In the night—that's where I belong

Take my flesh—I'll give you my soul

Hungry night keeps driving me on and on

In the night I walk alone

In the night—that's where I belong

Take my flesh—I'll give you my soul

Hungry night keeps driving me on

On and on

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