Chapter Fifty-Five: Anxiety (Get Nervous)

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Abby was biting her nails. She absolutely hated going to court, and the last time she'd had to, a hit man had replaced the guy originally sent to pick her up. Plus, she looked like a dork in her court clothes. She kept thinking, Please don't make me do this, please don't make me do this. Where's Gibbs when I need him? Oh, yeah, back in the bullpen at NCIS.

Get nervous, get nervous

Get nervous, get nervous, get nervous

Get nervous, get nervous, get nervous

Get nervous, get nervous

The forensic scientist was making herself so nervous as she walked up the steps to the courthouse that she felt nauseous. She just wanted this whole ordeal over with already and it hadn't even started yet!

I feel a little shaky, I can't control my nerves

I know you think I'm fakin', but can't you feel the curves

I swear to you this feeling, it scares me half to death

It gathers in my throat and it gathers up my breath

Abby could feel herself having a nervous breakdown; she felt shaky all over. The Goth took a seat on one of the inside benches, rubbing her temples. Passerby sent her curious glances but didn't do much else. One guy asked if she was okay, but she couldn't answer him, her throat was so closed up. "Hey, you ain't fakin', are you?"

Abby shook her head and choked out, "No. I know you think I am, but can't you feel the curves? Hey, I'm flashing back to a music video in the eighties where this chick is waiting at the dentist's office and is all freaked out. I can't remember the name of it, but it had something to do with anxiety . . . yeah, that was the name of the song. Now, if I can remember who sings it . . ."

"I thought you weren't feeling well," the guy said, looking disconcerted.

"Well, yeah. I scare myself half to death sometimes. Anxiety makes me really talkative. Where's my Caf-Pow. I need a Caf-Pow. Can you get me one?"

He just left without saying anything else. Which was fine by Abby, since her feelings of anxiety were coming on again in full force. It didn't help that a guy had to be carried out of one of the courtrooms in a stretcher.

A man appeared in the doorway. "Next."

The woman sitting next to the NCIS forensic scientist sighed, grabbed her briefcase, and entered. Abby covered her eyes, peeking out through her fingers.

Anxiety got me on the run

Anxiety yeah, I just need someone

Anxiety can't get nothin' done

Anxiety spoils all the fun

The Goth absolutely did not want to go in there. Maybe her nerves were getting the best of her, but she had to call the Director and tell her she couldn't go through. Better yet, maybe she should just up and leave. Where is Gibbs?

I'm picking up the telephone, there's no one I can call

I need somebody fast and I can't find no sleep at all

I wish I could relax, I just can't stop my mind

I wish I could collapse but my body's not that kind

She couldn't force herself to relax; her mind was racingracingracing. Her body wasn't kind enough to break down and collapse either; that would have gotten her out of the courthouse real fast. Abby dug in her purse for her cell phone, wondering who to call to bail her out of this predicament. She needed someone there fast. The Bossman?

Anxiety got me on the run

Anxiety I just need someone

Anxiety can't get nothin' done

Anxiety spoils all the fun

The door to one of the courtrooms opened and a broad-shouldered woman pointed at Abby then jerked her thumb over her shoulder. Terrified, Abby shook her head and climbed against the back of the bench, refusing to enter. Her eyes were wide with fear and nervousness. Anxiety spoiled all the fun of her job, sending her the urge to fight or flee.

The woman moved closer, a menacing look in her dark eyes. Oh so reluctantly, the Gothic forensic scientist walked past her into the room and took her place on the witness stand. She could barely remember what she was there for. All she heard was the blood roaring in her ears.

Can't you hear my heartbeat, hear the way it sounds

Can't you hear my heartbeat, you hear the way it pounds

Just give me something to slow it down, yeah

Her heart was beating so loud and fast she was surprised the others didn't say anything about it.

Somehow she managed to make it through her testimony but nearly freaked when the judge looked at her. Something about him—and everyone else in this place—suddenly seemed sinister. The eerie green light that she'd just noticed didn't help either. Couldn't they at least give her something to slow down her speeding heartbeat?

Sometimes in the city, sometimes in my car

I pound on the windows like a bee inside a jar

When the judge said she could leave, Abby bolted, sending up multiple thank-yous to the Powers That Be. She was beginning to think she would never leave. Flashing back to the music video she'd mentioned earlier, she sang softly:

"Anxiety got me on the run

Anxiety yeah, I just need someone

Anxiety can't get nothin' done

Anxiety spoils all the fun"

The forensic scientist made it to her car and nearly had a heart attack when she saw someone leaning against its red paint job. Then she recognized the figure and relaxed. "Thank God it's you, Gibbs. I was going nuts in there. Where have you been all this time?"

He just smiled slightly and shoved off from the car. "Gibbs? Where are you going?"

Anxiety got me on the run

Anxiety yeah, I just need someone

Anxiety can't get nothin' done

Anxiety spoils all the fun


He still didn't say anything, but he did turn around. Was that a flash of yellow in his blue eyes? No, she must have imagined it. Right?

Get nervous, get nervous

Get nervous, get nervous

Get nervous, get nervous

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