Chapter 1

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                                            October 1984~

Nova sighs as she's driven to her new home by her cousin, Jonathan. She had nothing against Jon, she was just thinking of what got her here to this little town of Hawkins, IN. The sudden death of her parents about a month ago. She was still reeling from her emotions when her auntie Joyce had informed her that she would be living with them after the funeral. She was currently STILL a minor so she needed to have a legal guardian and still needed to attend school. Thankfully, it was her last year as she was a senior.

She was startled out of her thoughts as Jon called her name. "Hey Nove, we're here." He parked just outside a small one story house where she saw her aunt Joyce and her favorite cousin, Will. Nova smiled as she got out and laughed when Will practically ran over to her and hugged her. "Hey there, Will the Wise! How are you?" Will looked up at his favorite cousin and smiled, "I'm doing ok. Still getting bullied for being the Zombie Boy but.. hopefully, it'll be better now that you're here cous."

Will had gone missing last year and when Nova had heard, she was beside herself. Will and her had always been close so she was beyond relieved when Jon called her to tell her that Will had been found safe. She giggled and ruffled the boy's hair lovingly, which caused him to gripe, "Yeah, you know I always got your back. I'm sure Jon does too, ya know, when he's not thinking of Naannccyy!" Jon scoffed and flipped her off causing both her and Will to laugh. Jonathan had recently confessed to Nova about a tiny crush he had on Nancy Wheeler. Joyce, of course, saw this and scolded Jonathan. "Jonathan!" "Sorry mom."

Will let go of Nova so she could hug Joyce who had walked over to give her a hug and welcome her. "Hello sweetheart! How was the flight from Texas?" Nova smiled, "It was long and boring but I'm grateful to be back on the ground and, ya know, here with you guys." Joyce smiled warmly and broke the hug, "Good. I'm glad." She then frowned softly, "How are you holding up?" The crimson haired girl sighed, "Honestly, I'm still in shock. I just.. I can't believe they're gone, ya know? It doesn't feel real." Nova felt tears in her eyes and Joyce hugged her again as Will and Jonathan looked on in sadness for her loss.

After a few minutes, they broke the hug and Nova wiped her eyes before she smiled at her family, "So.. shall we move me in before we go do something fun?" Will smiled brightly and took her hand, practically dragging her inside as Joyce and Jonathan grabbed her bags from Jon's car. Will showed her around the house and eventually showed her, her room where Jonathan had placed the last of her luggage next to the bed. She looked around and smiled softly, "Cozy." Jonathan chuckled, "Yeah, Its a bit small but it works for us." Nova nods and smiles at her cousin, "Thanks for coming to pick me up Jon." Jonathan smiled softly, "Of course. We'll let you get settled in." He goes to lead Will out of the room but Nova stopped them, "Hang on! I've got something for you and Will." The Byers boys looked at each other in confusion as Nova rummaged through one of her suitcases and made a triumphant 'A-ha!' noise.

She had gotten Will a new art set, complete with new color pencils and a sketchbook. He took the set and looked at it in awe, "Thanks Nova! It's awesome!" He gave her a tight hug before running off to draw with his new art set. She giggled at the boy before she handed Jonathan his gift. Jonathan looked in awe as she gave him the newest camera from Canon on the market.. with enough film to last at least a month. "Jeez, Nove.. This must've costed a fortune." Nova shrugged, "Eh.. It's all good. I had planned on giving them to ya'll at christmas but.. well.." She trailed off as she began to frown. Jonathan looked at her and hugged her tightly. "I'm so sorry."

Nova hugged Jonathan tightly and cried softly into his shoulder. Her parent's had been on their way home from their anniversary dinner when a big rig ran a stop sign and smashed into them at 75 miles an hour. They both died instantly and left Nova a 17 year-old orphan. She eventually calmed down and pulled away from Jonathan. Nova, again, wiped away tears and gave him a watery smile. "So.. what's fun to do here in little ole Hawkins?" Jonathan chuckled, "Well, Will is meeting the party at the arcade tonight so.." "Say no more. Arcades are my jam. Plus, I haven't seen the party since.. ya know, forever ago!" Jonathan grinned, "I know Will will be excited that you'll be joining him at the arcade tonight then." Nova nods, "Then let's go tell him the good news. Also.. I join the high school tomorrow right?" Jonathan nods as they walk towards the kitchen, "Yeah, just show up at the front desk, give them your name and ask for you schedule."

 Nova nods, "You got it." She smiles as she sees Will drawing with his new stuff and sighs. She watches as Jonathan tells Will about her joining them at the arcade and she smiles softly. This was her new life now. Hopefully, everything would be ok now.. right?


AN: Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you know that I am back but I don't know if I'm going update my other stories atm. For right now, I'm going to try and focus on this story. 

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